"You're too cute to be mean to." O______o Holy Batman. Did he REALLY JUST SAY THAT OUT LOUD?! He cleared his throat and bit his lip, looking away quickly. Why did he say that? WHY DID HE SAY THAT?! Dumb, dumb, dumb. Now she was going to be scared off and she'd never talk to him again, he was sure of it.
"Um, tomorrow maybe?" That seemed to be their thing. Jeez, was it hot in here or just him? Oh wait, it was February... Which meant it was FREEZING, he was only hot because he kept saying stupid things. He was just going to shut up right now, mhm. Zip it.
He was also going to crack open a comic book and pretend it was the most fascinating thing he'd ever read... Even though he'd read it approximately two hundred billion times.