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Noelle ventured over with the rest of the students and spun in circles as she got to Hogsmeade high street. She was in high spirits. It was HOGSMEADE weekend! Only the best weekend ever! She was going to al the places. When her mum signed her permission slip, she included some extra money so she could get some extra stuff. By stuff, her mum hd meant new parchment and quills etc. but Noelle had plans on restocking her candy drawer.
Seeing some people playing music on the streets, she was instantly reminded of Sabbie and his family. She smiled and throw a few coins into their hat and started dancing in front of them.
Raising her hands above her head, she spun in circles to the rhythm of the music. She giggled as the younger boy that was performing, offered his hand. Taking his hand, she started spinning with him in circles and laughing.
The start to Hogsmeade was going great!
Sabbath dawdled his way into Hogsmead. As he walked, he'd been reading a letter from home that had arrived by owl that morning, he'd stopped several times to re-read a few sections and laughed out loud at some of the anecdotes written within, it made progress slow.
When he arrived on the high street, he could hear some folk music being played by some local buskers and he folded the letter popping it into his pocket. Picking up the pace, his footfalls matched time with the beat of the music. As he got closer, he saw a familiar figure, it was Nells, and she was dancing with the busking boy. He grinned as he approached, she looked so happy and carefree, spinning around with her hair flying out.
Hey Nells, he called.