If you had asked 3rd year Cutty to explain the Bubble Spell, he would've told you everything he'd read that day on it. That is, he would've said that it produces an array of bubbles in many colours that cannot be popped. Too bad 3rd year Cutty wasn't there that day to remind his older and present self that they were more or less invincible as far as bubbles go. He stabbed his rapieresque wand at one of them as the bubbles formed what was nearly a solid wall of their clear and round bodies and found that it went clean through, but did NOT burst the bubble. He tried another and found that his wand was thrown back at him with about the same amount of thrust he'd put behind his jab. It did not burst.
That was when he recalled what the spell was, but by then the bubbles were too numerous to see his target. Cutty was agitated. They were burst-proof, but did that mean that they would block all magic? He considered options like Depulso and Descendo before pausing and realizing the advantage. If he couldn't see Adi, then Adi couldn't see him either.
Geminio." He said aiming his wand at himself and making Double Cutty. One of the Cutty's stepped forward through the bubbles, thick as fog. He kept moving until he was right next to Adi and waiting until the bubbles cleared to let Adi know he was there.