Thread: The Courtyard
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Old 10-23-2015, 11:00 PM   #134 (permalink)
Fallon Chanel
Join Date: Jul 2006
Posts: 21,641

SPOILER!!: A different kind of Catwoman. ;)
Hady had finished everything she needed to do already just so she had the entire day clear to do what she wanted. What was it she wanted to do? Well meet up with Maxon like they had agreed and read some comics!

Pulling a green jolly rancher lollie from the pocket of her hoodie she pulled off the wrapper and shoved it back into her pocket before placing the lollie into her mouth. Yum! Her eyes scanned the area around ber until she located Maxon. He seemed to be writing something. Hopefully she wasn't to early.

Wandering over she dropped her bag onto the ground and sat herself down beside him despite the slight chill in the air. "Hey Batman, I'm not to early am I?," She greeted with a playful grin on her lips. "Doing some homework or something?" She glanced from him to whatever he had been writing then back up to his brown eyes.

...Oh no. Hady was here earlier than he anticipated! Thank Batman Maxon had just finished his letter because now he could fold it up and NOT let Hady see the part he'd written about her. That would be embarrassing, yup. He shoved the folded letter into his bag and capped his ink, putting it and the quill inside the bag as well. He grinned as she called him Batman. He liked that A LOT. "Um, no, not really." He shuffled through the contents of his bag and pulled out the comics. "No to that as well. Just writing a letter to my mom." Homework schomework. Hady was doing that intense thing where she stared into his eyes and it made him feel like he was in a bit of a daze. He cleared his throat and shook and shook his head as if to clear his mind.

"I brought you some good ones," he said as he handed her the comics. "The Long Halloween and the Hush series." Noticing the lollipop in her mouth, he teased, "You didn't bring me one even though I'm sharing my comics with you?" Heh.
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