Maxon gave a small laugh at her honesty. "Oh no, that simply won't do. I'll have to teach you more. Maybe we can read some comics together... Or something." Err, did that sound like a date? He didn't mean to make it sound like a date! Unless she was into the idea... Then yes, yes a date. All the dates.
...Oh Batman. The girl was very enthusiastic about what he'd just said. Yes, good.
He wanted her to like him. Nodding his head, he replied, "Yeah, I can." He started to play the melody of a song his mother loved by some muggle dude named Ed Sheeran. His mom was probably his biggest fan, as she'd always encouraged him to sing and play. He sang softly, his voice gentle but strong. "So honey now take me into your loving arms, kiss me under the light of a thousand stars. Place your head on my beating heart. I'm thinking out loud, maybe we found love right where we are."
...That was good, right? Ladies loved that Ed Sheeran guy... Maybe Hady would like his version of the song, too.