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Kaycee was a strong independent woman and did NOT need a man to buy her... a crumpet. Whatever that was. She squinted at the menu again. This was date food? Why wasn't there just a pizza place or something in Hogsmeade? Geesh.
Anyway. It wasn't like she didn't have friends that could of come. This was just an impulse thing. She didn't have time to make Dante or Hugo or someone come with her.
She peered over the menu. Time to figure out if she approved of the new boyfriend status. Which, she probably did. She liked Zeke. But, like, this was what she was supposed to do right? It's what they did in movies.
So this was the place where all of the Hogwarts couples go on dates? Well this place really didn't see what the buzz was about. From the outside to him it looked like a very very girly place to eat. Mmmm
Kane wasn't sure about this. Did girls really like places like this? More importantly would Skye like a place like this for a date?
So the sixth year pushed the door open and walked into the shop. He looked around. There was a few couples there. Soooo. People did come here on dates. He was really starting to feel out of place here. Kane Cassadine party of one please.
Oh look there was Kaycee and she alone. *insert eyebrow wiggle* Maybe she could give him some insight on this place. After all she was his Beyoncé to his Jay-Z.
He rushed over before someone else grabbed the seat across from her. He learned that with Kaycee he had to work fast before someone else got to her first. Flopping in the seat across of her
"Come here often?" He asked with the most Prince Charming like smile he could do, and ran his hand through his bouncy curly locks.