♥s her SS family l Wifey is MINE | Naughty Niffler l Whittysaur l #awkwardturtle<# Quote:
Originally Posted by Jessiqua That was too bad that Lux hadn't seen a mermaid when she had wanted to. And... he wondered who Bay was. Whoever he was, Teddy was glad Lux had promised not to put herself in danger.
So Lux thought so too! "I think so too!" Teddy said, happily. He had been most relieved to discover that the Librarian wasn't a hideously mean person. Not even a little bit mean. PLUS he was Teddy's head of house, which was always good. "I don't remember..." Teddy said, deep in thought. What book HAD it been? "I think it was an Arithmancy textbook or something." Some extra work for him to practice? "How many NEWTs are you going to be going?" she asked Lux, curious. It was good that Zhenya had decided to give up a few lessons, which meant more time to focus on the ones she enjoyed and was good at, rather than stressing herself out trying to study for subjects she didn't like and wasn't good at. Zhenya giggled at the second bit. She couldn't imagine Lux giving up her social life. "Well obviously you need your social life, of course you do!" Otherwise they would just get totally burned out. "Oh I didn't know you were wanting to leave before the Acromantula attack." Was that what she meant? "OH So have I! When they wrote and told me when the date had been set, I made sure I had time off. I got to leave early so I could be here. It's so good, except there's one girl at work who is just so awful. She came in and had a go at all of us on our first day! I haven't really been near her since though." Thankfully everyone else was lovely. It was nice to hear that Teddy liked Mr. Kitridge. "He's your Head of House, right?" Lux couldn't remember if Zhenya had told her he was in Ravenclaw, but it seemed like he belonged there at any rate. This boy was SMART. "Are you good at Arithmancy then?" Or was he not good at it and needing help? "I'm pretty good at it because it doesn't involve complicated math." Even she could add numbers though sometimes she needed a calculator when working things out at home. "Potions is my favourite!" She was going to invent them for a living and that was SUPER exciting.
Here was her chance to show how much of a nerd she was...or how insane. Lux wasn't sure which. Maybe it was a bit of both. "I'm going for all 12." Because she clearly had a death wish. "I did that for my OWLs as well," she explained. Of course these would be a lot HARDER... Ugh. "I can't even imagine giving up my social life despite all that. But I make sure to do all my homework." She was a good girl after all. "I really missed Bay," she said going slightly pink. She wasn't embarrassed, so she wasn't sure why she was blushing. She just was really happy right now and a good part of it was probably her remembering that date. "It's really good you had time off because otherwise we wouldn't be able to meet up here!" Of course they would have worked something out, because it wasn't as if she never got to see Zhenya...It was just busy schedules. She frowned as her friend carried on talking. "She sounds awful. People can be so rude." Fortunately she didn't really associate with those people. |