Muggle Studies Homework 2- Post 1 ~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
After grabbing some of the things he and Henric would need to complete the Muggle Studies homework from Moxley's prop trunk, Adi headed back to the Common Room with said fifth year Hufflepuff. Today's pretend:
Tea Party in Space.
Hehe. Sure, Moxley had said that they only need to do one but why stop there when it sounded like extra fun to do two of the options? Credit to this awesome idea went to Henric. Mhmm. "Got the astronaut suits here, Henny,'' Adi said cheerfully as he deposited all the props into a couch. He wasted no time in grabbing one to pull on. He did so easily, tugging on the prop air tank and mask and all the other necessities a real suit would have. "Need to hurry, Henny. The countdown for lift off will start soon.'' Hehehe.
The bouncy Hufflepuff bounded under a random table, sitting flat on the floor. This was going to be their 'rocket'.