Sassenach | RAVENPUFF | Sing me a song of a lass that is gone | bookDRAGON | #awkwardturtle<# Quote:
Originally Posted by Squishy Awww, Teddy must have been in a really good mood because he had a big smile on his face. Lux was in a good mood too, and it was awesome! Yay for being happy! "Oh, that sounds really interesting! I remember seeing Centaurs at Hogwarts. I just wish I got to see one of the mermaids before I left." Pout. That made her sad. "You getting up to any trouble, Teddy? I won't tell Zhenya if you are." She gave him a knowing wink. Boys could really like getting in trouble, but Teddy seemed to be the quiet and reserved type.
Getting comfortable in her seat, Lux smiled at Zhenya. "It's going great, though I'm starting to stress over NEWTs. The math bits especially." She was really not good at math so it made some of the work harder. "I'm really happy being home schooled! And I get to see Bay and my family!" That made her really happy. "So how are you both doing today?" She smiled at Zhenya and Teddy. Lux wanted to see a Mermaid when she was at Hogwarts? That was really interesting. "Oh, do many people see mermaids?" He couldn't have imagined seeing them, or even going INTO the lake to see them.
Wait... trouble? That got the smile off his face. But then she winked, and that made the smile come back. "No," he said, giggling. "But I returned a book late. I don't think Mr. Kitridge minded though." Hope not. He hoped he didn't have a record now. Zhenya nodded, completely understanding he stress Lux was experiencing. "I hated it last year. My only advice is to make a study plan and stick to it." She did it, and was pretty happy with her results. "I didn't do Arithmancy NEWT though..." she had dropped it, so there was no help she could give to Lux. Which was unfortunate. She liked helping people.
She smiled happily "That's good! I guess you don't really understand what you're missing when you're at Hogwarts, until you spend part of the term at home." She was getting used to being able to do whatever she wanted, without the other people around. "I'm good, now that work is out! It's really busy, a big learning curve, but it's really awesome. How are you?" |