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Old 10-21-2015, 10:09 PM
Thereos Thereos is offline
Default Centaurian Seminar

You find an open area marked by large stones arranged haphazardly near the edge of the Forbidden Forest. Nearby is a pile of long twigs that have come from trees that should be familiar to all you wizarding youth. There are also several woven grass baskets containing blunt round-tip arrows elaborately decorated with plumage. To the observant eye, you may notice what looks like a standing target a ways away along the edge of the Hogwarts grounds.

With no instructor present to offer you absolute confirmation, all you can do it assume that you must be in the right location for today's lesson.

Time to sit on one of the uneven stones and wait.

Class Progress

question 1
question 2
question 3
mini activity
main activity