♥s her SS family l Wifey is MINE | Naughty Niffler l Whittysaur l #awkwardturtle<# Quote:
Originally Posted by Jessiqua Zhenya had told him to meet her at Madame Puddifoots, and he wasn't sure whether she would be there yet. But there it was. A frosty gust of wind whipped past him, making him stop and shiver. He pulled his scarf closer around his face before moving again, towards the warm looking shop.
And in he went... Spotting the most beautiful woman ever. Of course he had already had the greatest pleasure of meeting her previously, but she looked even more beautiful than he remembered. He gulped, throat suddenly dry, and looked down towards his feet. He wished Zhenya would hurry up, he was too nervous to do anything besides wave at Lux, probably looking like a gorilla in the process. Hearing the door open, Lux looked up and was pleased to see Teddy. She wondered where Zhenya was, but then figured that she was probably running a little late and would meet up with them when she could. "Teddy, hey! I'm over here!" Maybe he didn't see her because he was looking at his feet, but Lux wanted to make sure that he didn't walk out again. She wanted to see how he was liking Hogwarts and talk about more books if he wanted to. She wondered if he liked Westerns because they were Bay's favourite.
Aaah, he spotted her. She saw as he waved to her. |