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Meizzner Well a high five are awesome and even though he was not expecting one. He gave an awesome high five back. "You are a riot, you know that. Breaking one heart at a time, well at least i have a catch phrase now."
Dante said as sarcastically as possible while doing a slow almost golf clap.
Fans, huh. Dante did not even want to imagine a cake with his face on it. It would look really bad and plus it was not like he was in any band. So why was he getting fans. He never really did anything interesting. Well recently that is. But yeah. He was just the mostly indifferent kid.
"What did you have in mind or is it a surprise"
Thank you very much" that was a compliment for Hugo. He shrugged "
Not that you have any trouble catching girls" Get it? That was a bad joke, right? Yeah.
Truth or Dare and you can reveal all your secrets" he knew that Dante was still going to remain silent but it would be fun. "
I think we will be able to go to Hogsmeade soon so, we could do something there" that or the castle. Also, he should think of what to give Dante.