09-07-2011, 03:06 AM
Wooden Easel Announcements Standing somewhere on the Hogwarts grounds is a wooden easel holding a large wooden sheet that has been carved upon to inform the Hogwarts population of when the next lesson will be, what the latest homework assignment is, and when assignments are due.
Also posted here are the instructions as to what Professor Thereos prefers regarding how to submit assignments. Text Cut: homework submission rules
When submitting homework assignments, please include the following: - Character Name:
User Name:
User ID: (to locate this, simply check your profile URL. The number at the end is your ID number. As an example, mine is 178106)
Assignment Name:
Submit all assignments to Professor Thereos by PM, preferably before the due date.
Assignments will generally be given two weeks to be completed, and any submissions that occur after the posted date will not be graded. And try to use correct spelling and grammar. Usually I can decipher things, but after a while it gets tiring. And could reflect poorly on grades. Plagiarism and cheating are definitely taboo, and will also reflect on points given, or taken away. I will know if you copy directly from the internet. Google might be your friend, but it's mine as well.