Oh. I have another question. Two actually. About certain spells:
1. What happens if someone successfully disarms (i.e. uses Expelliarmus on) their opponent? How do they get their wand back? Or does that end the duel?
2. What happens if you're stunned (!) by
Stupefy? Seeing as there's a differentiation between being knocked-out and stunned by the spell I was wondering how you'd get yourself "unstunned" (seeing as it's the less intense outcome)? Or does the "stunning-version" of the spell just like throw you backwards or hurt you or something?
Thanks. <3
Super awesome questions!
1) Thank you for pointing this out. Apparently I neglected to include this in the spell. I think it would be reasonable to say the following:
- Expelliarmus: Disarms the target (of whatever they are holding) and can be used to knock-back a target if cast forcefully enough
- Caster Points:
- Opponent Points:
- H: -15
- M: -15 (ONLY if spell disarms caster of wand)
- F: 0
- Additional Effects: If hit by the spell, victim MUST loose their grip on whatever they are holding. If it is their wand, -15 magic points applies. If their wand is disarmed, the victim can go after it without a cost of loosing fatigue points.
2) Another good question! I've taken some time to review this, and we are going to change this. After Blaise Bellaire was knocked-out with a stupefy spell, it has been banned from the club (those of you who have used it in the first duel, this doesn't apply until this rule goes up). Reason for this is that the Tournament Duels are supposed to help students practice dueling, and having a K/O isn't the best way to do this. Therefore, Stupefy will be a spell permitted only in practice sessions and Challenges, as per the new point system:
Thanks for the awesome questions!