SPOILER!!: Oliver
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Oliver was furiously shoving snow in front of him, trying to pile it up as high as he could. He did it as fast as he could, trying to get a lot of snow piled up before the girls launched their next attack. The pile didn't stretch very far to either side. If Sabbath wanted protection in front of him, he would have to work on his own.
While he was working, Oliver also took some time to pause and make snowballs. He threw three over toward the girls, one aimed toward each of them. He knew he wouldn't be able to get his wall built before they launched a counter-attack, but he could at least try. But he also took some time to pack snowballs and keep them next to him. So he didn't have to make a new one every time he wanted to throw one.
Like Oliver, Sabbath was frantically scraping snow into the barricade making it longer and piling it upwards. Similarly, he was also starting to stockpile a collection of snowballs as he went, he was getting a neat little pile together.
Sabbath saw Oliver send out another round of snowballs. The three snowballs were sent out in rapid-fire towards each of the girls,
"Haha, take that" Sabbath called out to Nells and the girls, as he waited to hear if any of the snowballs had connected with their intended targets.
He could see the girls also trying to build their own barricade. He lined up three snowballs from his own pile, grinned and waited. As soon as the girls popped up for the counterattack, he'd be ready. He glanced over at Oliver and scraped more snow to help him raise their barricade, it still wasn't high enough, they were obviously going to have to take a few hits before the building was finished.