Angel was starting to get the hang off this, she was moving from one place to another fast and she was sure she wasn't going to fall off, right until the moment that she did, and she was so close to the end. She looked and saw Hady had made it which was great, she had one last jump to get right, but that was if she didn't get what she was expecting to get.
Sing to the class.
Angel was relieved it was just this card.
Now I'm the Queen of the Jungle
A Jungle VIP
I've reach the top, I've had to stop
and that's what's bothering me.
Angel did the action as well to the song, she was sure she was looking weird whilst she was doing it but for now she had to finish this off, getting back on the one that she had fallen from, she had some how managed to jump to far, she got back on and the she jumped straight to the finishing line, how awesome was this she had finished the course.