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Its not long before she arrived at the Planetarium. Dragging Henric with her was not an easy task but thank Merlin he was a wiling subject.
The Planetarium was bigger than her thought it would be. It said today they're playing the From Earth to the Universe show. Sounds interesting. "Let's go and see the show" She said and dragged Henric with her. The inside of the Planetarium was much more interesting than the outside. She took an empty seat next to the Hufflepuff. As soon as the show started, Candice was amazed at the technology. The stars. The Sun. The Planets. Its really beautiful. But apparently she was the only one who's paying attention to the show since her company was busy acting 'I'm a cool guy'. Yes, Nicolei, she did notice his awkward behavior. At first she thought the boy was afraid of dark and about to tease him but then she noticed a muggle girl sitting next to him. Sigh. Boys always be boys.
A half hour later, the show was finished. Finally! She did enjoy the show but she's not a fan of those giggling girls. They're annoying.
Where she want to go next? "Astronomers' Garden!" She really wanted to go to that place after she read the pamphlet. "Let's go, slowpoke!" And she was back dragging Henric towards their next destination.
"Don't call me slowpoke,I have a name...use it,"Henric retorted simply. Couldn't he have a nice quiet time for once too? Candice kept dragging him to follow her,his arm felt it like was going to fall off at any moment with all the pulling and the tugging. Sigh. As they made their way towards the Astronomy Garden, he realised he was holding onto her bumbag for her.Wait..why was he carrying her bumbag again? Had he been carrying it all this while after the planetarium show? He frowned when he remembered it was when she asked him to hold it for her while she got her pamplet out.
"Candice, you're supposed to take care of your own bag. I'm not your bag-carrier boy."Henric handed her bag to her with an eyebrow raised. If she wanted a bag-carrier boy, she could ask a first year to do it for her. Wasn't she good at manipulating others to her whim?
It was kind of cool how Professor Flamsteed shared the same surname with Astronomer Royal John Flamsteed.Was the astronomer his ancestor or something? It might be possible. They both shared a common interest towards astronomy,didn't they? He wondered if John Flamsteed was as eccentric man like how professor Flamsteed was now back in the days too? Oh..he bet his dragoncard on it. Come on..he built a time-machine for merlin sake. Coincidence? Nope.
He noticed there was a photoshooting area for the visitors to dress up in costumes and wigs. He chuckled,
"Hey Candice,do you want to dress up and take a picture with them? I'll pay for the picture.Gentleman's honour." Honestly, he wanted to see her wearing that big wig on her head so he could have a good heartily laugh.