Time to get started on that Herbology homework! Adi arrived at Greenhouse one in his usual cheerful mood but his nose all wrinkly at the fresh smell of manure.
"Best get used to it, Adi,'' he told himself as he pulled his gloves on.
"You're going to be working with creatures for the rest of your life, aren't you?'' Mhmmm.
He immediately spotted the crates him and the other students were supposed to be working with and randomly went to stand in front of one, the fresh manure odor high as ever. He eyed the card next to it. Right. Writing! Adi had momentarily forgotten they were supposed to do that but he HAD brought a quill with him since he had actually remembered before he came here to the Greenhouse. Gloves went off As he labelled the card with the starting off information:
Now Adi could actually get started on this. The gloves were pulled on again. Yep, he had opted to use his hands.