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Shanners So..he had a point. Rooney nodded and considered how he would approach responding to the fact the Slytherin FINALLY had a valid point. Surprisingly. "Sometimes three. Sometimes there are two prefects and a Head Boy or Girl. Only some years, though." But there were a lot more than three students in each house that probably deserved the position and sometimes.. Rooney bet that they were more deserving than those that did receive a badge. Actually...... Rooney grabbed for a yearbook and flicked through it in hunt of something important.
"Did you know that the Head Girl wasn't Prefect to begin with?" Well, someone else had been made Prefect, and then she took over. Probably because she was better suited for the job. Roo was certain of that, at least.
"I think that those deserving of the position are humble enough to.. accept if someone else deserved it too..." Or so he was going to continue telling himself in case he didn't get a badge like he wanted to.
Three? He'd never heard of that. Though considering he didn't really care, it wasn't very surprising. But the information about the Head Girl was new, too. And that was actually interesting. Because it confused him, and didn't really make sense. Oliver hesitated for a moment before standing up from his table again. Forgetting that he had been mad at the other boy, he made his way back over to the table in order to peer over his shoulder at the yearbook.
"Why?" There were a lot of ways he could have continued that question.
Why had she not been named prefect in the first place?
Why had she been made Head Girl if she hadn't even been prefect?
Why had the other prefect lost the job? But he hoped that the one simple word was enough to convey all of his questions to the other boy.
At that last part he just shrugged. Whatever, he was over arguing. They were never going to come to an agreement, but it didn't really matter. Oliver wasn't trying to put down the Ravenclaw's beliefs. Maybe it would be best if he just stopped trying to talk about that.