Thread: The Kitchen
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Old 10-14-2015, 12:48 PM   #128 (permalink)

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Dragon Geisha/Toni-Toni Chopper/Master of Chocobos Alpha Goddess/ Darth Devious /Davvy's twinneh

SPOILER!!: xD Ok, disliker lol
Originally Posted by Poolicious View Post

"Yeah. I'll make sure sure to write one after this." Assuming that she know what she had to write. She's not good at writing letter. She was pretty sure that she couldn't just write 'I'm in Hogwarts now with your cousin' on her letter. she will stress about it later. Her parents arguing more? "That's not good." Was she ever mentioned that she's BAD at giving comforting words? "Uh-huh." Somehow she didn't buy that's the only things happened with her but she's not going to prey.

Blink. Blink. Blink. She never heard Ilia spoke that much before. But she did mentioned the boy started it first right? "Okay then Miss Wise." How did she and Freyr was cousin again? And how did the old hat put Ilia in Slytherin. She's more like a Ravenclaw if she's being all wise like that.

"Ugh! yeah. Learning another language is troublesome." The only language she would like to learn is Merperson language. "I understand how you feel." No one liked to be compared with someone else.

See. Its not even hi-----....WAIT. WHAT???!!!! "Hufflepuff?!" She was pretty sure that there's only one Henric in Hufflepuff. So its the same person.


"He's the person who I told you earlier." What a small world.

"I'm sure that they'll like that. I can always put the letter in with the little parcel that I am going to send them if you want." Beltaine knew the way to her second home well and she could handle a small letter too.

That's not good...."No, its not much fun." She was very hurt by the idea and being in the middle of it. She tried not to think about her parents while at school honestly. Wait what was that uh huh for? "What? The most exciting thing that has happened was getting spider-napped." And....she made a best friend and has feelings for him but...*coughcough* she didn't need to know that.

She smiled a little at Candice....Miss Wise.....she really didn't think that she had ever been called wise before. Maybe because she didn't talk to enough people to really be much of an advice giver.....

"I already know four and French is really different than the ones that I know would probably be a pain yes. I'm not particularly fond of French either." Hearing Idunn speak it all summer , bubbly and flirty and self important, was enough to make her less than thrilled about it. She smiled at her friend and nodded. "Its good to have a girl friend around again." Seriously Ilia seemed to only attract boys.

The way she said Hufflepuff nearly made Ilia jump. Wait! It was HENRIC!?!?!?!!? She cupped her mouth to hide her shock. "That.....doesn't sound like how he normally is." Really it didn't, accusing people of pranking him.....supposedly being rude... She frowned as she thought. "Please, don't hex him." She found and old friend....and her best friend was at odds with her....wonderful. She sighed deeply. "I'll talk to him and ask him why he was being a jerk and try to sort it out. I'm sorry Candice."
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