Sardines ♥ BHB ♥ Dallie ♥ Grumpy ♥ MY SUN AND STARS ♥ i love julia Quote:
Originally Posted by ArianaBlack
Merlin please have mercy on his soul because Sophie Brown was gonna kill him if she ever found out he went near Evie. But it's not like he even went out of his way to seek her out or anything. He was here and she was here. Merely happenstance. He didn't want to study and she was studying and probably didn't want to be either. This was only fate. Merely happenstance. Surely Sophie would understand that, right?
Zander deadpanned. "You know that's not what I meant," he was sure she knew exactly what he meant, actually. He was positive. "I'm talking about how you're going around undermining Prefects, telling people that 'Head Dude and Head Babe' are better and 'cooler'?" That's right, Davie unknowingly passed this along. Poor kid thought that it was all real. "And how you just threw one of your best friends away, without a proper reason. Seems like a lot of change to me," he watched her carefully, hoping that the last bit struck a chord... But having a feeling that it didn't at all. Oh, so little Davie had talked about her? Awww, how precious. She knew he would and it wasn't something she was worried about. The Head Babe thing was a joke and just a bit of fun, especially with an adorable first year such as David Truebridge. "Come on, Zander, everybody knows Prefects really aren't that cool anyway. You're just a bunch of goodie-two-shoes who threaten to put people in detention even though don't have any real power." Or else he would have gotten after her for eating these cheese crackers in the library. Buuuuut he couldn't.
Evie almost rolled her eyes when he brought up Sophie Brown and their once-friendship. She didn't offer any explanation on that one, but she set her book down and looked Zander straight on. "If you want to talk about undermining, why don't you talk to your practically perfect prefect girlfriend who thinks it's a hobby to one-up said best friends in everything they try to do?" Because SHE didn't wanna talk about it.
And SINCE her study time was now INTRUDED and she had little time left until her next class, Evie shut her book and started to pack her bag. |