SPOILER!!: Yoongi
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Red nosed and obviously still sick, Yoongi braced the cold outside wrapped in a thick grey coat and a Gryffindor scarf around his neck. Not forgetting the black ski hat on his head and the light pink mittens.
He wasn't one to stay in bed all day though even when he was sick he would continue on with his day as if it was a normal one. He sneezed and rubbed his nose in the handkerchief before entering one of the igloo's that stood on the grounds of hogwarts.
As he stood in the magical warmth, Yoongi smiled to himself. This is much better than outside. Maybe he should spend his time in here and not worry about making a snowman. Let the little ones do all the work, yep. But he wasn't the only one in this igloo though, in the corner standing next to a trunk he spotted the Herbology Professor... "Oh! i didn't know anyone was in here...sorry..should i go or....?" his eyes fell on the sparkly cape and he gasped. Quite dramatically. "I want that" he said, pointing to the cape. "It would so bring out my eyes! right?" not
Paul was leaning over, trying not to spill his drink as he looked through the things...just scouting out what else was in here. He stood up, though, when he heard Mr. Hyland's voice.
"The cape?" he held it up and smiled.
"I....well it's for decorating a snowman or snow...creation of some sort..but..." he handed it over and winked.
"I think it'd be okay for you to wear it...as long as you build something. " he thought the sparkles would quite suite the young fellow.
"Yes! Your eyes, certainly." Hehehe. Yoongi was so funny!
He then looked back at the trunk.
"I want to try my hand at building a snowman...would you...like to help me?" he asked, flushing. What if Mr. Hyland said NO? He would feel...so bad. But even so, the students might not want to help him...he was a
professor....and probably one of the...weirder ones. His lack of self-confidence was showing hard.