Post 4 Lil' gooz | Sarangel | Junior Dweeb Ooooh good! Tia got the last professor and everything. Norah tried to smile down at the Ravenclaw before realizing she wouldn't see anyways, and the entire process wouldn't be too helpful in keeping balanced. She took her partner's hand and climbed down from her shoulders. "I'm okay!" Tia must've been tired from all that holding, anyways. "I hope you're okay, though. If you need a massage after class I pinky swear I can give you one." Whether or not it'd be enjoyable was a whole other story, but she could try.
She climbed onto Caleb this time, standing up a little quicker than she had before. Man. It was a lot higher up here. Sticking her arms out for balance, she began, "Anastasia Truebridge, Albus Dumbledore, Armando Dippet," Um. UUUUUUM. What was that guy's name again? From ages and ages and ages ago? "Phineas Nigellus Black" Oh yeah. She'd pump her fist in the air for that one, but it'd probably comprimise her balance some more and falling right on top of Caleb's head probably wasn't the best idea. Who else? "Severus Snape!" Did he count?
She could just pretend he did. Now that they were all finished, Norah looked toward the bag of candy. SO CLOSE. She reached her hands out to grab the bag, but swiped at midair and caught nothing but a big wobble. With a determined stare, she straightened her knees all the way and grabbed for it again, closing her fingers around the bag before it slipped right out of them and landed on the floor. Uh. Oops?
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