do not have to post your charries arriving! Just pretend they’ve arrived and gotten settled on their house bench!
-With that being said, your posts should be activity posts!
-Students from years 1-3 will be the “Painters.”
-Students from years 4-7 will be “Pushers.”
-So, in order to advance your team’s picture, there will need to be a pair of posts that consist of first, the Painter, and then the Pusher. The posts have to be consecutive. There can be no post in between a Hufflepuff Painter and Hufflepuff Pusher, for example, or else the posts won’t count. The pairs, when they’ve done their posts, cannot post for their team until another pair from their team has gone….(unless the activity level is dwindling.) So IC, the activity is that a pair must go out, draw the paint with their skates, and come back in and ‘tag’ the next pair to go out (pushers should indicate that their team is leaving the ice in their post).
-The objective is for the team to paint a picture using paint on the bottom of skates and painting the picture on the ice.
Whichever team has the most pairs that have posted without there being a post in between them, will win the game.
-Students must label their posts with either the “Painter” or “Pusher” label, preceded by their house, like in the above examples.
-Yes, those who've never skated, as well as the pushers, might fall. STILL, no serious injuries should occur!