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Rooney thought about ignoring this kid until he went away, choosing a new yearbook to look through and read in detail. Every word. From front cover to back cover. And not make any sort of eye contact with the opinionated oblong across the table from him. Roo's opinion of Slytherins was decreasing rapidly and he had no intention whatsoever to engage with another in the coming days. In fact, he thought them as people he wouldn't be able to communicate effectively with and nothing was worse than that.
Eyes narrowing on the page before him, Roo quietly assessed the situation and how quickly he could get out of the library without drawing attention to himself for not putting these books back...
Or maybe the oblong could leave..
Rude. That was just RUDE. At least he was not insulting Olly anymore, but flat out
ignoring him was almost worse. He could at least acknowledge him. But instead, the rude boy just
ignored Oliver.
WHATEVER. He didn't care. Oliver stood up from the table and walked quickly back to his own. He considered sticking his tongue out at the boy but stopped himself. No, that would be too childish. He would not stoop to the same level as the rude boy. And to think he wanted to be a prefect. Well, he hoped that there would never be a prefect as
rude as this boy.
Oliver gathered up his things and shoved them into his bag. He would go somewhere else to do his homework then. He did not want to stay in the presence of someone so mean. The meanness might rub off on him.