DMAC & DMC Billywig
Join Date: Aug 2009
Posts: 3,402
| Dragon Geisha/Toni-Toni Chopper/Master of Chocobos Alpha Goddess/ Darth Devious /Davvy's twinneh Quote:
Originally Posted by DuckyLinJi “Gewhat?” Yoongi asked as he sniffed his nose. Was that a bless you or did she just curse at him for sneezing? It didn’t sounded like she was cursing him though… Letting out a deep sigh, he nodded his head. “I know “ that everyone was afraid of something. “But still, I would love to not be afraid of heights so that’s why I’m training. It’s just…” he looked up at the TALL tree and bit his lower lip. “This is still too high for me” he turned his gaze back to Ilia. “So thanks for helping me out” and smiled.
As he watched her summon her broomstick, Yoongi automatically clapped his hands when it flew towards her. “Nice! Which model is it?” he asked. Seriously he was NOT good with anything Quidditch related. But when he looked at her face to wait for an answer he caught the sad smile and his own smile faded away as well. He didn’t like it when someone was sad. “Well, yes actually. I mean, it’s Christmas and everyone should be happy at that time right?” he asked. “So whats up? According to Norah I’m a really good and honest advice giver” As long as it wasn’t about love…
As he placed his box with decoration down on the ground, the Gryffindor looked up as he felt something fall on top of him. “Is that snow?” he asked as he looked up and to his HORROR he found not only snow falling down but………THEY WERE STANDING RIGHT UNDER A MISTLETOE. Face getting bright red because he knew the meaning of that, Yoongi looked at Ilia and laughed nervously. Had she seen the mistletoe? Cause he didn’t want to …kiss …just anyone. Actually, he had already confessed to the hufflepuff prefect that he had never kissed anyone before. And no, it wasn’t that Ilia was unattractive that he didn’t want to because hello, she was pretty. But the mistletoe above them was ..... Should he step away or WHAT?!
The answer to his question came in the form of an owl. The Gryffindor gasped in shock as the owl had landed beak first in to the box of tinsel. “wait , stop moving” he said as he bend down to unwrap the tinsels from the creatures legs and wings and lifted the owl out of the box. As he did so, he saw a letter attached to the owl’s leg with his name on it and he untied it. Ooooh he had almost forgotten about the secret santa letters! “Thanks” he grinned at the owl before turning to opening his letter.
Reading through it, Yoongi’s grin widened more and more. He knew who had written this and he went to look around for the person but couldn’t find her here. Ah he would thank her later. It was kind of funny though how …well…not saying.. hehe.
As he pocketed the letter, he turned to Ilia again. “Wanna kiss or decorate the tree?” he laughed. Ilia laughed a little at his response. "Sort of like Bless You." So many of her habits were so culturally odd here, she still forgot to say things differently at times though. "Well keep training, you are bound to get there eventually right?" She smiled at him gently , trying to be encouraging. "No trouble, that is part of teamwork right?" It is what she always did when she was in a group or pair, splitting the work made it all that much easier. The height thing.....he was one of the ones that came when she and the others got spidernapped sooo.....he could be afraid of heights.
What model? "It is a Firebolt , Supreme." She smiled a little, it was an expensive professional grade broom yes, but she loved flying and her father liked spoiling her when it came to practical wants. "If you feel brave, maybe I will take you on a low flight later? She is a good broom, I fly alot." She loved flying and couldn't fathom someone not experiencing that joy. Everyone should be happy? That was sort of an opinionated thought wasn't it? Why did someone have to feel a certain way just because it was a holiday? "I have family stuff going on and....had a difference in opinion with a friend." Like arguing / talking to lawyers / pre-divorcing parents.......and her best friend who spurned her love confession......Not something she wanted to lay bare to be examined. She was a raw nerve. This was distraction, not therapy session as much as she appreciated the boys willingness to help and listen.
Ilia watched Yoongi get bright red and laugh nervously. What was that all about???? She looked up..........as an owl came crashing. That poor baby! Yoongi had it handled though and helped the adorable ball of feathers out. Poor little guy......Oh he got one of those santa letters....and seemed rather happy about it. Hmm...
At what Yoongi said, she blushed. Wait.......did Yoongi 'like' her????? She looked up again...oh Mistletoe.....she couldn't deny him a kiss supposedly. She thought about it, maybe she would, but....after her interaction with Henric, she wasn't exactly up to the task of being that form of affectionate. It was , in fact, in her culture and legends at least, more about friendliness than romance anyways. She swept up close in front of him and put her face close to him as if she were simply going to kiss him. She considered it. Should she? It was just a kiss right? Nothing more. If Henric didn't love her or want her affection, why should she deny herself? The simple fact was that it just hurt too much. Rejection wasn't something that she enjoyed and she did not want Yoongi to reject her after she kissed him too. Her face emotionless and right in front of his as she considered just kissing him. She then swiftly but gently slid her hand over his mouth and kissed the back of it. It was a way of friendship kissing in her family and she was too hurt and hung up over Henric to kiss another boy right now, even if Henric didn't love her. Pulling back, she straightened her clothes and tucked her hair back. "So lets get to decorating now then?"
Last edited by VRSCIKA; 10-11-2015 at 08:57 PM.