Thread: The Kitchen
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Old 10-11-2015, 10:36 AM   #120 (permalink)

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Dragon Geisha/Toni-Toni Chopper/Master of Chocobos Alpha Goddess/ Darth Devious /Davvy's twinneh

SPOILER!!: Candice the Puff hater xD
Originally Posted by Poolicious View Post

She knew she should have owl them, especially Ullr, as soon as her father gave her the Okay for Hogwarts. She missed them too. "I'm gonna send them one for Christmas." And she should probably attach an AWESOME Christmas gift for Ullr for bribing. And pink and glittery stuffs for Freyr. "That's true." Nod. Nod. Nod. "So what's new with you? Any interesting thing happen lately?" Any new crush? New boyfriend perhaps? Ahem.

That's true. He just soooooo....UGH! Okay. How did Ilia managed to be SO wise again? "That's very wise of you but he just got this face that practically said 'Hex me please!' " Well, he has a nice face but his attitude was just screaming Not Very Hufflepuff-y.

If she put it that way. "That kinda makes sense." Ship her to Beauxbatons? "What's wrong with Beauxbatons? I heard its lovely there." Scenery wise.

"You're welcome!" Nod.

Mate getting killed? Sounds like a very cliche story. WAIT. HOLD UP. REWIND. Did she just said Henric? "You don't mean Hufflepuff Henric?" That one? Nah. Probably different one. Few people named Henric, so Ilia probably revering to another Henric. "Basilisks? Really? That's very clever."

"They will like that." She was certain that they would, she would wait for Candice to tell them that she was here, rather than telling them herself. It would be better that way. Anything new or interesting? "Nothing too crazy, my parents are arguing more, I made friends, and you are here." She smiled softly. No way she was ready to talk about her affections for Henric just yet. Only Adi had the privilege of that knowledge.

Hex me please......"If he does something to truly deserve it , that is one thing. But, as unjust as accusing you of something that you are not guilty of is, his opinion of it doesn't really matter does it? You hate him and he probably doesn't like you....hexing him won't change anything or prove anything.....Except maybe make it worse and it might get you detention."

What is wrong with it? She'd have to leave Henric! And....yeah! "I don't particularly want to go to France and learn yet another language....." Four was enough for a fifteen year old wasn't it? "And that is where my cousin Idunn went. I'd hate to be compared to her." Because they were COMPLETELY different.

She laughed a little at the you're welcome. Hufflepuff Henric? Yeah her boy was a Puff.....wait Candice knew him? "Yes, my friend is in Hufflepuff. Do you know him then?" She eyed her friend curiously. All other thoughts were forgotten.....what about Henric?
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