Originally Posted by
Oh there went the sneezing. "Gesundheit?" Poor thing, that didn't sound good. Sneezing was never fun....really kind of icky. Ilia rarely caught colds , but when she did she was positively miserable. She had a high tolerance to pain, she could suck up a sprained ankle or a spider gashed leg and keep walking, but sniffly? Pssh, she hated it. She was really hoping that she didn't catch his cold......
"Its okay, everyone is afraid of something." That was true as far as she had found out. Heights, spiders, snakes, venomous tentacula, thestrals, loss.....everyone had something that bothered them to tears. "Maybe try working yourself up to things slowly? Ride on a low flying broom?"
A moment later and a box was thrust into her arms. Well that was quick...."Okay." She didn't know if they would have the most beautiful tree, but she could decorate the top. It was high enough up that she might have trouble aiming it magically. She doubted that physically climbing it would be a good idea either. She couldn't levitate herself and she didn't trust Yoongi to with his sneeze attacks. The last thing that she felt like doing was moping around in a bed in the hospital wing after she got dropped. That left one solution in her mind, her broom. Setting the box down at her feet, she closed her eyes and concentrated, with her left hand open to catch her broom."Accio , broom."
Once her broom was in hand , she started making calculations as to what to put where. As for Yoongi's question, she smiled sadly at him. "Is it that obvious?" She thought that she had been doing a better job of hiding it, but apparently not........
“Gewhat?” Yoongi asked as he sniffed his nose. Was that a bless you or did she just curse at him for sneezing? It didn’t sounded like she was cursing him though… Letting out a deep sigh, he nodded his head.
“I know “ that everyone was afraid of something.
“But still, I would love to not be afraid of heights so that’s why I’m training. It’s just…” he looked up at the TALL tree and bit his lower lip.
“This is still too high for me” he turned his gaze back to Ilia.
“So thanks for helping me out” and smiled.
As he watched her summon her broomstick, Yoongi automatically clapped his hands when it flew towards her.
“Nice! Which model is it?” he asked. Seriously he was NOT good with anything Quidditch related. But when he looked at her face to wait for an answer he caught the sad smile and his own smile faded away as well. He didn’t like it when someone was sad.
“Well, yes actually. I mean, it’s Christmas and everyone should be happy at that time right?” he asked.
“So whats up? According to Norah I’m a really good and honest advice giver” As long as it wasn’t about love…
Originally Posted by
The Narrator
On the branch of one of the big Christmas trees just over the heads of students and staffers a mistletoe sprouts root silently. If you happen to stand under it with a peer don't forget that it's custom to kiss. It seems like the Christmas glittery snow caused another wonder to happen. The question is are you daring enough to kiss someone, even if its someone you don't really know well under a mistletoe?
As he placed his box with decoration down on the ground, the Gryffindor looked up as he felt something fall on top of him.
“Is that snow?” he asked as he looked up and to his HORROR he found not only snow falling down but………THEY WERE STANDING RIGHT UNDER A MISTLETOE. Face getting bright red because he knew the meaning of that, Yoongi looked at Ilia and laughed nervously. Had she seen the mistletoe? Cause he didn’t want to …kiss …just anyone. Actually, he had already confessed to the hufflepuff prefect that he had never kissed anyone before. And no, it wasn’t that Ilia was unattractive that he didn’t want to because hello, she was pretty. But the mistletoe above them was ..... Should he step away or WHAT?!
Originally Posted by
Barnacle the Barn Owl
Swooping over to the top of the tree Barney spotted his first recipient. In his eagerness to get down he misscalculated the landing and fell beak first into the box of tinsel. Legs and wings flapping Barney hoped that the boy would lift him out and untie the letter titled 'Yoongi' tied to his right leg.
SPOILER!!: Secret Santa Letter
Dear Yoongi,
Happy happy happy Christmas to YOU! I hope you have a really swell holiday, because I think you're really swell. I also hope that the new year brings you lots of good fortune and that you remember that you are brave and wonderful even if sometimes it's hard to stay strong all the time. I also hope you remember that should expect anybody to be strong all the time because that's just impossible, and that includes you because it's not good to be too hard on yourself about these things. Apparently I hope a lot of things.
I had a really grand time getting to know you that time in Ancient Runes, because you're really special so here's to a holiday that's just as special as you are!! I think I gave myself away already but you can pretend that you haven't guessed yet. I found out really quickly that you're very good at making people feel better so I hope maybe this letter made you feel good too, because everybody deserves to feel wonderful on Christmas. Well, and every other day too. But especially today and especially you because you're super cool. Anyways, I forget what I was trying to say with this entire letter, but I guess I can finish with another Happy Christmas! Eat lots of good food. And also happy new year, even though that hasn't happened yet.
With good thoughts and lots of cheer,
your Secret Santa
The answer to his question came in the form of an owl. The Gryffindor gasped in shock as the owl had landed beak first in to the box of tinsel.
“wait , stop moving” he said as he bend down to unwrap the tinsels from the creatures legs and wings and lifted the owl out of the box. As he did so, he saw a letter attached to the owl’s leg with his name on it and he untied it. Ooooh he had almost forgotten about the secret santa letters!
“Thanks” he grinned at the owl before turning to opening his letter.
Reading through it, Yoongi’s grin widened more and more. He knew who had written this and he went to look around for the person but couldn’t find her here. Ah he would thank her later. It was kind of funny though how …well…not saying.. hehe.
As he pocketed the letter, he turned to Ilia again.
“Wanna kiss or decorate the tree?” he laughed.