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Jessiqua Beatrice headed back into the office, happy that Angel had agreed to come and practice inside. She went to the desk and found the box of mice. She only had a few left, having released many of them back into the owlery. "Okay, here we go," she said, taking one. "Stay away Beamer," she added, not even glancing towards the cat, for she knew Beamer would be spying on that mouse as if dinner was early. "Try it on this little guy." Beatrice wanted to see Angel try on an animal.
Angel was confused when the Professor told a Beamer to stay away but then she saw the cat and she give it a little wave, she was more into dogs after all she'd had a dog at her home most of her life though she must admit it was slowing down now and she was sure it wasn't as playful as it had once been but for now she had to try and turn this sugar mouse into a water goblet.
"vair-uh VAIR-to!" Angel pointed her wand at the animal and the she tapped on it three times like it said too but for some reason nothing was turning into a water goblet. Angel was confused was she doing something wrong. "Professor what am I doing wrong?" Angel thought the Professor might be able to tell her.