Thread: Tree Decoration
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Old 10-10-2015, 07:23 AM   #56 (permalink)
Barnacle the Barn Owl
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Join Date: Oct 2012
Posts: 21

Back with four letters to deliver Barney shook his head to adjust the little satchel he had around his neck.

Originally Posted by DuckyLinJi View Post

Yeah, he was not going to stand with these two. So he turned back around and chose a different tree to decorate. He just hoped someone would help him with getting the top decorated...
Swooping over to the top of the tree Barney spotted his first recipient. In his eagerness to get down he misscalculated the landing and fell beak first into the box of tinsel. Legs and wings flapping Barney hoped that the boy would lift him out and untie the letter titled 'Yoongi' tied to his right leg.

SPOILER!!: Secret Santa Letter

Dear Yoongi,
Happy happy happy Christmas to YOU! I hope you have a really swell holiday, because I think you're really swell. I also hope that the new year brings you lots of good fortune and that you remember that you are brave and wonderful even if sometimes it's hard to stay strong all the time. I also hope you remember that should expect anybody to be strong all the time because that's just impossible, and that includes you because it's not good to be too hard on yourself about these things. Apparently I hope a lot of things.

I had a really grand time getting to know you that time in Ancient Runes, because you're really special so here's to a holiday that's just as special as you are!! I think I gave myself away already but you can pretend that you haven't guessed yet. I found out really quickly that you're very good at making people feel better so I hope maybe this letter made you feel good too, because everybody deserves to feel wonderful on Christmas. Well, and every other day too. But especially today and especially you because you're super cool. Anyways, I forget what I was trying to say with this entire letter, but I guess I can finish with another Happy Christmas! Eat lots of good food. And also happy new year, even though that hasn't happened yet.

With good thoughts and lots of cheer,
your Secret Santa

Originally Posted by Shanners View Post
But then she was heading this way and Rooney was a lost cause. She had a group with her, alongside a Professor also. He ducked under the tree and crawled toward another close by so that he could run and do something else. Decorating trees really wasn't his thing any longer.
Perched on a branch high up in a christmas tree Barney was at his best unruffling his feathers from snow when he spotted his next recipient, ducking under a tree and out of sight. He had thought he was out of luck when the boy reappeared. Hasting Barney jumped up from the tree and up in the air, before he swooped downwards. Landing rocking from side to side in front of the boy he thrust the satchel out with the letter titled 'Rooney'. Could he take it and give him a treat? A bread cumb would be nice...

SPOILER!!: Secret Santa Letter

To Rooney,

I like how you are a gentleman and say nice things to me. But also I like that you are smart because you are really REALLY smart. And you are good at spells, which is cool. I don't know how to write this letter. I know that I'm writing it and its already a letter, and it says nice things about you like what we are supposed to say in the letters, but I don't think they're good enough things. I want to make it a perfect letter and I want it to make you smile, but I don't really know what will make you smile yet. I hope I can find that out.

I also think you have a nice face and have nice eyes and a nice smile and stuff and I sort of hope nobody else notices because I would feel a bit sad if you got a girlfriend (or a boyfriend). I don't know why though, that's dumb, right? I can be a bit dumb sometimes. Also I should stop saying things about myself because this is supposed to be a nice letter about you and shouldn't be about me at all.

I never got to ask if you like snails but I hope that you do, I will think you're even cooler if you do.

I hope you have a really nice Christmas, and then after that I hope we can do some more stuff together! That would be awesome. Because you're awesome (so far anyway).

From your secret santa!

Originally Posted by Tegz View Post

She adjusted her angel halo headband and wandered around the tree decorating area. It wasn't JUST the headband that she was wearing though, Char ALSO was wearing fluffy strap on wings, and ALSO had both of her arms from the elbow down and including her hands, painted like CANDY CANES, so that when she curved her hands into a hook shape, it LOOKED LIKE SHE HAD CANDY CANES INSTEAD OF ARMS. SHE WAS A CANDY CANE ANGEL. A CANDY CANGEL. Thanks to Dima of course. Her cousin was super good at painting and stuff after all.
Flying over to the next tree Barney just chose a tree branch and sat and goggled down at his next recipient. Hopefully she was not one of those that were scared owls Barney had time to think before he lost his grip on the branch and fell forward. Landing in a heap of wings and feathers at the girl's feet Barney nudged the letter that had fallen out titled 'Charlotte' towards the girl with his beak.

SPOILER!!: Secret Santa Letter

Dearest Miss,

Intriguing as it may be, I am entirely fascinated by you. Your determination, dedication and dictation of Ravenclaw adoration is inspiring. Not many people can exude admirable eagerness as much as you without taking an extremely large amount of pepper-up potion and eating chocolate for a living. I was pleasantly surprised to receive you as my Secret Santa recipient this year and look forward to seeing you smile when you read this.

My usual method of making notes on a person seemed too restrictive of the love and light this message was supposed to convey, so I sought help from my Mama. She said that the first thing to tell someone, especially a girl, is that her hair is lovely. Well, Miss, your hair is not lovely. Your hair is a blend of delightfully luscious, brilliantly smooth and daffodil in colour. Miss, you are a splendid credit to your reflection and no photographic documentation of you would give your palpable beauty credit.

You say that you have a boyfriend, but Miss, I think that’s wrong. Your boyfriend has a girlfriend, something that shan’t last for long. The pair of you raise snails, not a task needing longevity. If given the choice between he and I, I hope you would choose me. My wish this year on Christmas Day is to light your face with a smile. You have enough happiness to make that last a while. I’m very excited that you don’t know who I am, because that would make me blush. The embarrassment in correlation to this all, I would need a Royal Flush.

Miss, I think you’re wonderful and your main thing is making everyone smile. You’ve a heart of gold, and truth be told, the sorting hat should be put on trial. I know the hat says you aren’t a Ravenclaw, but you can be my cawing Eagle of secrecy every day of the week.

Merry Christmas!

Yours with positivity,

Your Secret Santa

- -
Miss, I apologise. My letter is unlike myself. I need you to appreciate that I don’t use rhyme or emotions when expressing my appreciation for people like you. Please accept my message of sorry and take only that I think of you as wonderful. Wonderful in nature, persona and inspiration. I wish you a Merry Christmas, and a delightful year to come. Yours, again, with utmost apologies for the above, Santa’s Little Helper.

Originally Posted by MudInMyBlood View Post
Picking up some candy canes - she tried not to eat them - she began to place them around the tree. Okay. This tree was in desperate need of some sparkle. TINSEL. AJ was going crazy with that little beauty. Before she was done, you would barely be able to see in green. Just the way it should be.

Were there any superhero ornaments?
Spotting the last recipient, Barney flew from one tree to the other. Moving down the tree so that he was perched just in front of the girl amidst all the tinsel he thrust the satchel towards her. In it he had the last letter titled 'AJ'. Could she take it and give him a tasty treat?

SPOILER!!: Secret Santa Letter

Dear AJ,

Just like your last name, you are a sweet girl who looks great in red.
You light up the school with the bright thoughts in your head.
Although your ideas may not always be right,
You're good at making us laugh and keeping things light.
Some people might not know you're one of three,
And you love to play outside and climb up trees.
Although we might not hang out around the school,
That's just because I'm young and you're really cool.
Have a happy Christmas and brilliant New Year,
Your secret Santa hopes this poem brought you some cheer!

The end.
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