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Old 10-09-2015, 06:38 PM   #153 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by Squishy View Post
Paulina laughed as she held on to Henric. She would respond to his vegetarian comment but it was hard to while dashing over to the other side. Hopefully she wasn't holding on TOO tight because she didn't want to accidentally hurt her partner.

By the lack of comment from him Paulina assumed that he was perfectly fine. She listened to him list off a few former History of Magic Professors before it was her turn. "Nessarose Glendower," she added with a smile after his kind contribution for her. Now to think of some others... "Cuthbert Bins-" another ghost! "-Ethan Truebridge, Anjelica Lainey, and Lars Svensson." Now for five Headmasters/Headmistresses... "Gaellen Tate, Doyle Branxton, Nora Leiden, and Draconia."

Okay, now they just needed Henric to list off Five former Professors and they were all set! "Back to you, Henric!"
Oh! Paulina only listed 4 headmasters/headmistresses!"Paulina,there is one more headmistress you can add, put Professor Minerva McGonagall, she was brilliant during her time in Hogwarts,,"Henric eagerly added. He thought Paulina did great naming all of the HOM professors and all the heads of the school.She really did read deeply into Hogwarts history and he was impressed! Uh oh,now it was his turn now. HOM...lets seee..."There are Tiberius Dursley, Braith McCormack, Lord Berty Borr, Imogen Welton...Keredwell something...oh Keredwell Noire!" Did he get it all right?

"We're done! Can you reach for the candy basket Paulina?"Henric asked,trying to stand on his tip-toes but ...failed.
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