SPOILER!!: Girl with poop on her hands xD
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Poolicious Bee? He thought she's a bee? Cue eyes roll.
Annoying? PUHLEASE. She's just saying that his crate looked pretty messy. Oh well, what did you expect from a boy? They always messy. "It look ok." Not as good as hers too. Ahem.
Then she heard the Professor gave them the next instruction. They need either twigs or straw for the drainage. And then the Professor said they need manure. Poop! Its poop. Why did the man have to get technical now? Earlier he just said wood thingy and now he said manure?
Okay. She was ready for the next steps. What's the first thing she need again? OH! Right. Twigs or straw. She's going to choose the straw. The Gryffindor went to grab a handful of straw before she went back to her table and added into her crate.
Next step. The fun part. POOP!
Candice turned her attention to Henric. "So which poop you gonna use?" Cow? Chicken? Knarl? Abraxan? Thank Merlin there's no Human dropping. Animal poop she could handle but human's just eeewwwww.....And she choose the Knarl manure because chicken poop was just too gross. While Cow and Abraxan poop were just HUGE! She got what she thought a good amount of Knarl poop on her gloved hands. "Look Henric, POOP!" She was enjoying this lesson SO much!
Henric smiled a little at Candice reply on his crate.
"Thanks...greatly appreciated and I find your crate looks okay too." See,it pays to compliment your classmate for once instead of critic on their work every chance you get.Hmph. Anyway, time to move on with the next stage of the activity. They needed to choose moist and dry materials for their composting.
"I choose you...melon husk and dead leaves,"he muttered. He then put them on the side so he would put them in each of the buckets later.
Henric noticed Candice grabbed a handful of straws from the front and dumped them into her crate.Why did she need so many? *shrugs* He wondered if she could spare a few for him. Besides, this lesson was all about 'save the environment' movement kind of Herbology class, wasn't it? Conserving resources and promoting greenery stuff were part of the theme,right?
"Yo Candice, you don't mind if I take some of your straws right?"he asked and added,
"You know since we need to reuse and recycle waste material and all,"he smiled and made grabby hands into her crate.
"Cow poop.The rest looks...bleghh.." He answered her as his face contorted at the sight. He preferred to use the most common one out of all the manures available. He had seen chicken poop before and it was disgusting. So NOPE to that. His eyes widened in surprise at Candice excited voice when she picked up Knarl's manure with her gloved hands. Henric couldn't help but laugh,
"Yeah,I can see that! I didn't know you get overjoyed with poop on your hands!" Again he wished he got his camera phone with him so he could take a picture of her right now! Hahaa!