♥ Gryffindor ♥ ★ Ravenclaw ★
Character Name: Sapphire Wulfweardsweorth
Birthday: 7 September 2073
Character Age: 13
Year in School: Third Year
Wand: 14 inches, Rowan Wood, Dragon Heartstring, Unbending
Pet: a snowy owl named Gwynneth
Physical Description: Height: 1.65m (5ft 4in)
Hair: brown
Eyes: blue
Skin tone: fair
Personality: Sapphire gets excited by change and adventure. Although she knows to follow them, she still tends to fight being restricted by rules and conventions. She can get moody and restless. She's optimistic, energetic, intelligent, and usually makes friends easily.
Family: Alexander Wulfweardsweorth - father (detective, Muggle)
Ruby Wulfweardsweorth - mother (auror, Witch, Gryffindor)
Peridot Wulfweardsweorth - older brother (21, Wizard, Ravenclaw, studied at a Muggle university after graduating from Hogwarts, environmentalist who now works in both worlds)
Amethyst Wulfweardsweorth - younger sister (5, twin of Topaz)
Topaz Wulfweardsweorth - younger brother (5, twin of Amethyst)
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