District 9 Tribute World's Biggest Harry Potter Fan Abby Victoria Valentine
Model :Selena Gomez
Picture to be added soon
Name: Abby Victoria Valentine
Goes by: Abby, Abs
Birthday: April 12th 2072
Age: Eleven
Place of Birth: Devon, England
Current Residence: Devon England
Relationship Status: Single
House: Ravenclaw
Year: First
Eye colour: Brown
Hair colour: Brown
Height: 4'10"
Weight: 92
Build: Petite
Magical Information
Blood Status: Muggleborn
Wand :TBA
Boggart: Unknown
Patronus: Unknown
School: Bradley Barton Primary School, Newton Abbot (2077-2083)
Hogwarts (2083-present)
Best Subjects: TBA
Worst Subjects: TBA
Mother: Addison Paige Valentine (Sweet shop owner)
Father: Avery Lee Valentine (tourism guide)
Siblings: Aubrey and Angel Valentine (triplets)
Pets: Golden retriever called Rufus
Likes: Reading, Homework, Making Friends
Dislikes: Getting into Trouble and skipping class
Personality: Abby is the smart sister and is always found in a small corner with her nose stuck in a book, also likes to spend time with her sisters and was increably surprised when she found out she was a witch
More to come as the years progress
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