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Hogwarts RPG Name: Amur Neverwinter Fourth Year | Answers to Questions & Further Discussions (within answers) ~ Rise and Rise Again, Until Lambs become Lions ~ SPOILER!!: Zeke Quote:
Originally Posted by Hera The way in which Sabel was watching him, was interesting, though not at all disconcerting. Did the man think he wouldn't be here? Was he surprised that he wasn't socialising in the back? Because if there was one thing that he learnt about life and duelling as an adopted son of a former Head Auror, was that duelling was no joke, and it was a life preserving skill. Maintaining eye contact with Sabel, Zeke returned the Professor's calculating gaze with one of his own. Was this one of those instances where there were expectations on him that he didn't know about? He'd have protested that it was hardly fair, but he knew better than that now. Life wasn't fair.
Standing straight and to attention, Zeke listened as Sabel outlined the purpose of the meeting and established ground rules. Meaning... don't be stupid. No trying to kill each other. Yeah, he knew. The armoured uniforms got a quick glance of interest before his hazel eyes locked back on the Defence Professor. It wasn't a bad look, so he was only too happy to comply with the dress code, there was something about uniforms that appealed to him - though he couldn't really say that for the SCHOOL uniform, that was just boring.
Brutal, fast paced, up and down and down and up, he understood all that. It wasn't something he'd had direct experience in, but he'd seen enough over the years to recognise how truly alarming and disorienting it could be. He was mentally prepared for that, at least.
As Sabel locked eyes on him again, Zeke grew curious, the look was meant for him, specifically. What had he done? But as his discussion turned to the act of standing on accord, Zeke nod in acknowledgement. He had this. It was something he'd practiced with Elijah more times than he could count on his fingers, and even Emily had indulged him in tutoring stances a couple of years ago. Those lessons weren't forgotten. Mimicking Sabel's movement, Zeke maintained eye contact, bending at the waist and holding Sabel's gaze for a moment before returning to a natural standing posture. He was tempted to thrust his wand out in front of him, ready to defend - or attack... but he didn't. "No questions, Sir," he replied, because he could.
So did anyone else want to bow with him?
While Sabel was more than fine with his decision not to duel any of the students, there was a faint disappointment in such a decision. Especially when he was greeted with such a response as Browne gave him. Some of the students, he was sure, would be incredibly interesting to duel. And he had no illusions that he could learn a thing or two from them.
As it was, the boy's whole demeanour and relation to both his look and the demonstration of the bow had the slightest of smiles touching the corner of his lips. Straightening, Sabel nodded to the kid. "Thank you, Mr. Browne."
And yes, he would most certainly be writing to Emily about this. SPOILER!!: Hady Quote:
Originally Posted by SpiritWolfe Malfoy Taking notice to the faint smile she had received from the Professor was enough for her. There wasn't a nod in anything more this wasn't an average lesson or a stroll through the park. Everyone was here for a reason. She was here for a reason.
While more people wandered in after her Hady made her way closer to the front so she'd be able to both hear and see everything better. Didn't need anyone to tall standing in her way. It was then as she got to the front she spotted Zeke and moved to stand silently at his side. No need to say anything, he'd know she was there. What was with the looks going on between him and the Professor though?
Standing up straight, her hands clasped lightly behind her back Hady listened to every word that was said. Yes she saw the dueling uniforms. Yes she would wear them without question. No purposely harming anyone. Spells would still hurt. Yup she got that all, knew that all.
The bowing thing was somewhat new but understandable. Simple enough too. Did she have to give it a go? Surely it wasn't difficult to do.
His attention flicked from the Gryffindor to the Snake that had taken place beside him. And the smile he had? It faded, but only from his lips. His eyes still held it as he took note of the young girl's stance and determination.
There was no doubt about it. The tournament would be an interesting one.
The pair standing side-by-side ticked off a reminder in his mind. "One thing I should note now, is that of partners and challenges. While the duel will be assigned, and you will have no further choice as to who you duel than how you do with your points, this room is available for your practice as you see fit. During the tournament, you will be matched by grades. During your own time, you may challenge who you like."
His gaze shifted, roaming across the gathered students. "There is an rule to this. You may only challenge students in your year, or one year above or below you. An exception exists here, in that younger students are allowed to challenge older students, regardless of separation in age." A half-smirk touched his lips. "Do so at your own risk." SPOILER!!: Rehman Quote:
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19 "Heya, Candice!'' In amusement, Adi watched the hair flip. "Yes, I know you can do those but it's getting old,'' he teased. Annnd there was the Dragon. "Hallo. You're late.'' LOL. Not really, no. Or maybe he would have been so a few minutes later since Dakest was getting started.
Gosh, he was being so serious, wasn't he? Adi was curious about those methods the man was referring about that could not be used. Hmmm. Maybe he could find out about that later. The armour thingy was cool though.
One could tell that Dakest had been in more than a few duels from the way he talked about keeping one's self alive. Anyway... bowing. That was the easiest thing in a duel though in a real one no one would actually do that. As for questions, Adi had none. It was all straight forward stuff so far.
His gaze snagged on Rehman, and held there for a few moments. Truth was, he was surely expecting a question or comment from the energetic Hufflepuff. That there was none after a few minutes of scrutinizing was a bit surprising.
So much so, that Sabel quickly ran through the list of things to tackle in his mind. He supposed he could tag on a bit more information. "At the end of the tournament, the winners will have the opportunity to duel an intriguing opponent. I will not tell you who that will be for each grade, but you can rest assured that said opponent will be a well earned challenge. There will also be an award of points."
Here his expression changed once again, to that serious tone that allowed for no foolishness. "The greatest reward of participating, however, will be the skills you learn. Life long and lasting skills, that might one day save your life, or the life of someone else. What you put into this club, ladies and gentlemen, is what you will get out of it." SPOILER!!: Daxton Quote:
Originally Posted by Felixir While I do not usually enforce a dress code in my classes, I would ask that all of you adhere to a full standard in this hall.
Daxton furrowed his brow in mild confusion. Who was that addressed to? He might have thought it was him, as the statement seemed to follow a lengthy look in his direction, but Dakest had not actually been looking at him as he spoke. The Ravenclaw followed his gaze, glancing at everyone else, then looked back at Dakest.
Of course, in Daxton's mind, he had followed to dress code, in a roundabout way, had brought along the mandatory shoes and socks and everything. So, seeing no reason that it might have been directed at him, Daxton shrugged off the statement as just one of those redundant things people said sometimes, and continued simply sitting and waiting for the meeting to start, shoes still beside him.
And it was not a long wait at all. As soon as Dakest magicked the doors closed and started the meeting, Daxton started paying even closer attention, if that were possible, committing everything to memory. The impassive, almost bored expression did not leave his face, despite the fact that he was now the very opposite of bored.
He looked briefly over at the armour, the duelling attire, and at last Daxton's expression did changed. Though the idea of looking the part was all very well and good, that armour looked like it would make him overheat, and overheat badly. It looked heavy. It looked much more cumbersome than his shoes. Could he find a way to not wear it, seeing as how he would not be taking part in the tournament? Probably not. Daxton needed to find a way to work out how to cast cooling charms, and fast. He would, at the very least, now own some attire - even on loan - that would fit him much better than the majority of his other clothing, but what good would that be if wearing it potentially made it impossible for him to function.
His gaze lingered on the armour a little longer, and when Daxton looked back at Dakest, he was already on the topic of duels. Up will be down, down will be up...
What? What? What the heck was Dakest going on about? Was he insinuating that duels were regularly fought in a situation were both combatants were somehow completely inverted? Hanging upside down? At once, Daxton got a mental image, so ridiculous and bizarre he thought that that could not possibly be right, but he had no time to ruminate in it because the topic had quickly moved on to bowing. Daxton had read about this, but had been hoping they would not be bowing in the club. It served no real purpose, considering Duelling Club was basically learning to duel and learning to stay alive, in the long term goals, and what did bowing have anything to do with that? Daxton did not want to bow to anyone, and he wanted to know why they apparently had to.
In fact, when Dakest asked if they had any questions, Daxton found his brain was positively teeming with them. So many questions that even if he could verbalise them, he would never know which to ask first. The Ravenclaw frowned slightly, screwing up his face a minuscule amount as he took this gap in the lecture to concentrate on going over all the information he had memorised, to answer his own questions. He said nothing.
And speaking of input versus output, Sabel's gaze landed on the still shoeless and sockless Prince. Perhaps he had not made himself clear enough by being gracious to not individualize the kid. A breath left him as he continued. "All rules are to be followed and adhered to without deviation. Due to the dangerous nature of this club, ignorance of those rules will not be tolerated. Keep yourself safe and your classmates safe by following them."
Really, common sense. But he was all too aware of where common sense went in the heat of a duel. Even a duel among friends. A disturbing memory flashed through him, sending a cold shiver through his spine. One he shook off before he could think on it much longer. "Prince. If you could please put your shoes and socks on. It should be habit in this room, as I expect to see a good deal of debris and uneven footing in the upcoming weeks."
Which brought him to his next point. A fun one. His gaze took in all the duelers gathered. "Which means that you have permission to use your environment as needed. There is sometimes no greater ally than the rock beneath your feet or the sky above your head. Don't worry about any destruction you will cause. The castle is easy enough to repair. Just......don't bring the roof down or eradicate the floor." Just a small request. "Duels should be confined to this room, though I am very aware that is rarely the case in real circumstances." SPOILER!!: Yoongi Quote:
Originally Posted by DuckyLinJi “I guess…….” He answered after the Professor had spoken. “But Sir, we’re not opponents? And laughter can be a form of confusing right? I mean, what if I start laughing before a fight? My opponent will think two things. 1 I’m really confident or 2 I’m a complete nutter and both are dangerous so I’m actually really dangerous hahaha” If he could he would have RAAAWRED like a lion but he couldn’t so siiiigh.
Oooh there were the others. They all got a “hi” from him and when the Professor started the meeting he turned back to face him. Listening carefully, Yoongi tried to absorb all the knowledge and when the part came where he showed the armor they would be using he frowned. “No helmet?!” BUT HIS FACE!?! Could he tell opponents to NOT touch his face?
Professor Flamsteed? What? He turned his head to see where the professor was pointing and saw that his Head Of House was leaning against the wall in the back. As long as he wasn’t HOVERING PEOPLE IN THE AIR he was cool with it…he guessed.
Bowing. He knew that bowing was a form of respect to an opponent. He watched as Zeke mimicked the Professor's movements but he still had a question though. “Professor , do people in a duel to the death bow to each other as well or do they attack right away?” "Are we not?" The kid got quite the raised eyebrow. "First lesson. Never assume you know." And then there was the hint of a small smile. "If I didn't have so much to go over, I might take such a sentiment as an invitation to become your opponent."
Hopefully, the kid would understand the meaning and the lesson behind those words.
Straightening his expression, Sabel considered the boy. "True enough, but you've forgotten a third option. Laughter is commonly an expression of nervousness." His words turned to the rest of the club. "If you are going to use your expressions and your words to throw off your opponent, as is a good tactic, make sure that you are convincing in every other way. The slightest deviation can be noticed in as small a thing as how you hold your wand. And it can mean death, or life. So if you aim to deceive, do it as if it is a truth your life counts on."
As for the exclamation about the lack of helmets, that had Sabel smiling. "Can't distract you too much from the game of reality. You wouldn't wear a helmet everyday. You would wear clothes. It is best to practice without it, as you'll learn to guard it very quickly. A limb you can do without. A head, you cannot."
And perhaps, that was a bit of unconventional teaching right there.
His gaze went back to Hyland, and he shook his head slightly, though he spoke to the whole room. He was sure everyone had the same question about the purpose of the bowing. "If and when you enter a situation where it is a death duel, you will be very fortunate if you know so beforehand. Most times such circumstances come without warning, comment or indication. So always be on your guard. The bow here is to remind ourselves that we are not in such a duel, though we practice for it, and to remind ourselves that we are dueling friends, not enemies."
Turning his wand between his fingers, Sabel hesitated a long moment before speaking again. "I am asking you to train with the mindset that your life will matter in the tournament, but it is important that we know, and acknowledge that is not the case. While you may not understand it now, and I hope you never have to, there is a very significant difference between having that glimmer of understanding, and not. Regardless of if you are dueling friends, or enemies."
His gaze returned to Hyland. "We bow, here in this club, to show respect to one another, and a respect for the laws and rules of the club. In the world out there, your bow is the moment you draw your wand." SPOILER!!: Paulina Quote:
Originally Posted by Squishy Honestly if it wasn't for the fact that she felt duelling club would be helpful for her NEWTs Paulina wasn't sure if she would even be here. She liked Professor Dakest and thought the club sounded pretty cool, but fighting made her a little nervous. What if she hurt someone? What if she got hurt?
The armour was pretty cool though.
Watching the boy named Zeke demonstrate a bow, Paulina felt she wouldn't have any trouble with that aspect of duelling. So long as she remembered to always do that at the start - which shouldn't be an issue - she might not have any problems with this. Okay, that was wishful thinking. At least they were being taught by a man who appeared to have experienced a fair number of duels in his lifetime; that was a definite plus in her eyes because it meant that she would be learning the proper method.
And no, she didn't have any questions.
Letting that final statement ring through the air, Sabel took the moment of silence to look around at the faces at the club. A lot of the early evening energy had worn off, and there was a solemn commitment and attentiveness he had only hoped for before now. They were listening. Good. "After the bow, as long as you respect the rules, you are free to use spells to your need and imagination. Do not be afraid to combine spells, or use them in new and interesting ways. While I do not want you taking these duels down the hallways, do not remain stagnant. Practice moving your feet. Practice using your environment. Practice doing the unexpected, and practice being expected. How you learn to duel here, will stick with you and reflect in your duels in the future. Here it is safe to learn and experiment. Here, you should learn how to adapt." SPOILER!!: Benzi Quote:
Originally Posted by fire_faerie Benzi was at the back. If there are any shadows in this place then he was just outside of them, preferring to listen and not be distracted by people who happened to be talking. For the seventeen year old, this was basically a first course in auror training and he was going to take it as seriously as he possibly could.
This was why his senses were on high alert for anything that might pop out of the walls, jump at him from the floor or just generally disrupt the quiet around him. He'd also noticed that apart from the students, Professor Flamsteed had joined them. Did that mean they were going to get a preview today? Because just an overview was a bit... well, lame. No offense Professor, sir.
He listened intently to Dakest as he talked, his eyes looking over the dueling outfits curiously. The Professor had touched slightly on what they could do but Benzi wanted to know more. So they could use bombarda against someone else and they wouldn't blow up. Great. What else could they use? But these were the sort of questions the Ravenclaw felt would be addressed later on.
So, he shaked his head. No questions from him.
Looking around the rest of the room, Sabel's gaze hinged on Rider. For a long moment, he watched the kid hanging back in the shadows. Finally, he nodded to himself. "Rider, a word with you after the meeting."
There really wasn't a better way to ask, and it was always a question of when he might run into the kid again. The castle had got surprisingly big.
His attention returned to the rest of the students. "As for what spells you may and may not use, there will be a list up before your first duel. Obviously, unforgivable curses are excluded, as are some of the dark art spells that opponents in your real life will likely use. This, is for your own safety. If you have questions about these spells, about how to defend against them, I will do my best to answer them. But they are not to be experimented with in these walls."
Shifting his stance, Sabel clasped his hands behind his back. "There will be Spell Assignments and Challenges for you to accomplish as you see fit during your practice time. The Spell Assignments will allow you to use new spells in your duels. The Challenges will encourage you to develop your dueling skills, thoughts and regulation of your emotions and there may be bonuses afforded with the completion of these."
Simple enough, right? "You will not have a Spell Assignment this meeting. I would like you all to go into your first duel without extra spells crowding your heads. Learn how to think, learn how to move, learn how to adapt. To assist you with this, there will be a Challenge posted on the board at the end of the hall," he made a motion there, "at the end of this meeting. Once you pick up your uniforms when I dismiss you, you may go there and check it out."
And they could start tonight if they were super stoked. He had no doubt some would.
Returning his hands behind his back, Sabel rocked on his heels, letting all the information soak in. Were there more questions? ------------------------------------ OOC: Howdy all! Thought I'd tackle some of the responses that came up now, and gradually move us along. We are still taking questions and comments! (Again that's the main purpose of this meeting, so please ask away :3)
Meeting will close tomorrow at around midnight GMT-6. Sorry this one is so short >.O
And I will have that spell list up for you before your first duel.
__________________ I've got a fire for a heart._________________________________________________
I'm not scared of the dark._________________________________________  _______________________________________You've never seen it look so easy. |