SPOILER!!: We can feel another hug coming on *shifty*
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Obviously the silence hadn’t meant anything other than just that Adi was curious. He wouldn’t have asked the question if he wasn’t, and Brooklyn still wasn’t inclined to give him an answer. Especially not as he actually chose to come up with an answer to her return question. She’d had to resist rolling her eyes at that. Obviously the constant cheerfulness was irritating. Nobody could be that happy all of the time. But that just made her not trust him. It had nothing to do with hate. It was more indifference. He hadn’t proven anything aside from that cheerfulness to her so far, so she didn’t see a need to trust him. “I don’t hate you.” That was all she’d say. She didn’t feel any emotion toward him, aside from suspicion. The cheerfulness did get on her nerves, but she didn’t see why she had to admit that.
Her one word response hadn’t seemed to dim that either, and that was starting to get frustrating. She’d decide that when she had to. It wasn’t like term was ending tomorrow. She didn’t have to think about OWLs and stuff yet. If she could have just talked people into taking them for her, or just tricking the people giving the exams into giving her good grades, that would have been much easier. Instead, she just wasn’t thinking about that. “I’ll have to choose that then. Not now.” She already knew which subjects she’d drop once she could. “What would you think I should do?,” she asked. Obviously she couldn’t ask for advice if she wasn’t thinking about the topic. That didn’t mean she couldn’t see what others might think.
Okay, so Brooklyn neither confirmed nor denied his guesses. This was super fine with him because at least she admitted she didn't hate him. Adi had no reason not to believe her. He just trusted everyone. Hehe.
"Alright. That's good to know.'' And he would always like Brooklyn no matter her attitude towards him. He couldn't help it. It was just in his blood not dislike anyone. Or just maybe one person. Heh.
"It's never too early to think about stuff involving your career,'' said the happy Hufflepuff, bouncing away on his feet. Wait. Whut? Brooklyn was asking his advice? That was surprising enough to having him stop in mid bounce. He spared her a look for a second or two before resuming the bouncing.
"Of course you should do something you're really strong at. You'll enjoy your career that way and you'll excel at it. Which subjects are you good at? Those are the ones you should continue with.''