SPOILER!!: Oliver
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Why did most of the professors seem to have trouble pronouncing his name? It wasn't that hard. Bor-ze-kow-ski. Or they could even just say Thomas, that was even easier. But whatever, he didn't really care that much. At least they could all say Oliver.
Uh. No, he had not been listening to other answers. He looked toward his sister but she hadn't said anything yet. Did she know? He wanted to ask her, but professor Myers was waiting for an answer from him and probably would not appreciate if he asked someone else. Didn't he get any lifelines? Phone a friend?
"Um...food? But for plants?" Was that what people had been saying? He had heard one girl say gelatin. He didn't know that plants ate gelatin.
Paul waited for the boy to...answer.
“Well, that’s close enough.” He suddenly smiled.
“Very good. See what happens when you pay attention? Very GOOD!” he was proud of the boy.
Even though compost was more food for soil than for plants, the boy had tried, and Paul appreciated that. SPOILER!!: Ava
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Ava just listened her classmates talking about the differences of fertilizer and compost. She surely didn't have idea that both of them were different because it seemed like they were same in function, right? Right. But then paying attention to the class, now the young lioness knew that they were a liiiiiitle bit different.
And what else needed to be added? She raised her hand and tried to answer the Professor. "How about spoiled leftover food?"
“Some leftover food, yes--” he gestured at one of the bins in front.
“I have a whoooooole bin of trash from the Great Hall…” It was absolutely GROSS but Paul LOVED IT.
SPOILER!!: Paulina
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Three points to the Hufflepuff Prefect. Way to go! Paulina couldn't have done a better job with her answer.
Professor Myers seemed to like her contribution, and Paulina wondered if she should add anything else before they moved on. Raising her hand she said, "sometimes I add tofu to compost. When I'm at home." Because she was a vegetarian. "And going off of what Adi said - manure is a great addition. You can add many different kinds: horse, cow, goat, rabbit..." Just to add a few on top of chicken.
Tofu...how interesting!
“I’ve actually never tried tofu. I’m sure it would have some properties suitable for compost, though. interesting, Paulina--” he smiled broadly at her.
“And manure--also another favorite of mine.”
Paul loved poooooooop.
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Well SHE hoped as Herbology professor, Myers would have loved her answer, but the reaction that he got was better. And she just sat all beamy for a moment, while she considered the next question. Compost. Many of her classmates already listed the usual stuff that Myers was thinking of, but for some reason he was anticipating some ingredient that was atypical. People had mentioned the usual .... things that you could compost; food, mostly. But no one mentioned the one necessity. The one thing that they would all DIE without.
"Water, Professor Myers," Tia's hand shot up. "Without water, you wouldn't be able to compost much of anything."
GAAAAAH! Paul almost hugged the girl.
“WATER YES!” he exclaimed.
“People NEVER remember water! Water is SO very important when making a compost--which I WILL go into in juuuust a minute! But very good, Miss Mancini! Three points for Ravenclaw!” He liked giving out points.
Could he give out points for people just...showing up?
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Awesome! Norah had gotten them three points! Adi flashed her a grin. He was SUPER proud, you know. Then again, he would always be proud of his Puffers no matter what just as he was of Paulina. Gosh, she really knew this subject. Again the thought of bribing her with crackers to help him study flashed in his mind. Hehe.
Anyway... anything to add to the list? Uhh... Hand up again, Adi suggested, '' Seaweed and kelp also, Professor.'' Had anyone listed those? He couldn't remember since so many answers had been given.
“Very good! I do enjoy foraging for seaweed in the Black Lake...you all are welcome to join Reagan and I at any time…” he shot a smile to the Ravenclaw.
“But Mr. Rehman--very good. Sea plant life...is altogether a different microcosm of existence from the plants I’m familiar with, but using sea plants as part of fertiliizer can have some very interesting results.” SPOILER!!: Sophie
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Sophie had been fairly quiet with the second question, simply because everyone else had shared their answers right away. She of course knew the difference between compost and fertilizer. But she didn't want to not say anything, Sophie raised her hand.
"Fertilizer adds to the soil's nutrient supply, but instead of feeding the soil food web, the ingredients in fertilizers are intended to meet the needs of fast-growing plants." She spoke softly, then went back to staring at the piles of stuff they were most likely about to compost. That definitely explained the smell.
And as Sophie spoke...Paul was LIGHTING UP. Oh GOSH!
“Wow, Sophie--yes--that is--that is VERY spot on--you---you and Miss Kittredge should get to know each other--” both Herbology people, apparently. Well, Paul thought he had other students were very clever in this subject, but today he was quite impressed with Sophie and Norah.
“Three points to Gryffindor for expounding just EXACTLY what compost does--very good!” He was…very happy.
Okay. Paul waved his wand at the board, the list of items they came up with showing up immediately. “
Good job, everyone. Great. I’m really proud of you all--so smart!” he smiled and tapped his wand on the blackboard.
“So these are all materials we use to compost--and there is a REASON for all of this, I swear.” He nodded.
Originally Posted by Blackboard
Composting Materials:
-Apple cores
-Melon rinds
-Orange peels
-Dead flowers
-Mowed grass
-Fallen leaves
-Dead weeds
-Chicken manure
-Tea bags
-Egg shells
-Potato peels
-Gelatin, apparently
-Horse manure
-Cow manure
-Goat manure
-Rabbit manure
-Pine needles
-Wood ash
-Shredded paper/newspaper
-Corn cobs!
-Dryer Lint(this is CURIOUS, students!)
-Sawdust pellets
-Wood chips(like the ones muggles would use to start a fire)
-Coffee grounds
-SOIL! (funnily enough)
He added a few more items on the board and then glanced back at the class.
“All right. These--” he nodded at the board.
“Are all items you can use when composting. I did not put them into any...order or anything. But..these can be separated into different categories...and different combinations of these items will be good compost for different plants.” He took a deep breath and realized he forgot a WATER. DYING OF THIRST HERE.
Could he ask a student to get him one? Merlin. He was thirsty.
“As Norah mentioned before---plants need nitrogen---they also REALLY need carbon.” He waved his wand and rearranged the list.
Originally Posted by Blackboard
Materials high in Nitrogen:
-Apple cores
-Melon rinds
-Orange peels
-Dead flowers
-Mowed grass
-Fallen leaves
-Dead weeds
-Chicken manure
-Potato peels
-Gelatin, apparently
-Horse manure
-Cow manure
-Goat manure
-Rabbit manure
-Corn cobs
-Coffee grounds
Materials high in Carbon:
-Tea bags
-Pine needles
-Wood ash
-Shredded paper/newspaper
-Dryer Lint(this is CURIOUS, students!)
-Sawdust pellets
-Wood chips(like the ones muggles would use to start a fire)
Ahem. Were their brains TEEMING with new information yet? Paul chuckled to himself.
“Today...if you haven’t guessed already...we are going to MAKE our very own compost. Each of you will make...a unique compost...which I am SO very excited about what you all come up with! It’s almost….like a CREATIVE process, isn’t it?” Paul thought so.
“Now..to make a compost...I am going to walk us through the steps. And I will...give notes along the way...because there are certain properties to the different materials within compost that are…..good or not good, depending on what you want.” He took a deep breath and hoped they understood.
“...Is everyone ready to MOVE ON?” he asked softly.
“If anyone has ANY questions….ask me!” Paul smiled and crossed his arms over his chest.
He clapped his hands together.
“OKAY! So--the very first step we’ll do---you must all come get one of these wooden things--” Things was a totally professional word, all right?
“And also fill it with soil. There are buckets of soil on each of your tables….make sure you put a GOOD amount of soil in there, all right? Don’t fill it up to the top with soil--but make sure it isn’t just...covering the bottom, all right?” He would be making some compost, too, of course, heh.
“So...Get your crate and DO THE THING!” he said excitedly.
“OH! And the reason these crates are nice...is that we can put them outside, where they can attract worms and other bugs to help the composting process--” he nodded.
WORMS were important.
OOC: HOKAY! So Paul made things pretty clear in regards to what they have to do---I cannot post again until around....12PM tomorrow, Central time. So you guys have...22 or so hours?There is no post count for this, but feel free to interact with each other and have fun with it!