Thread: The Kitchen
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Old 10-07-2015, 05:02 PM   #100 (permalink)

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Dragon Geisha/Toni-Toni Chopper/Master of Chocobos Alpha Goddess/ Darth Devious /Davvy's twinneh

SPOILER!!: Veggie Nomnomer xD
Originally Posted by Poolicious View Post

She reached fro her bowl to took another snack but to her surprise there's only one broccoli left. Where did all the vegetable go? Wasn't her bowl full of vegetables earlier? Oh well. And its good to know that they boys were good. She missed hanging around them. "No. I don't have a chance. Its kinda last minute decision." She should probably owl them and said she was sorry and stuffs. Or she could asked Ilia to tell them just in case they're not happy with her. "Same. I'm staying here too for Christmas." Sigh. "My brother and uncle decided to take a Guy's Trip on Christmas." THOSE SNAKES! Well, her uncle was a Snake but her brother was a Badger but who care, to her right now both of them were snakes.

Maybe he is just rude and wanted someone to blame. See! Someone agreed with her. "Yeah I think he just didn't like the fact that he was pranked." And then he accused her because she was laughing? What kind of person did that anyway? "I'm this close hexing him to next year." She was not really good with hexes but there's one particular hex she was good at.

"So you didn't tell anyone that you've been kidnapped by the spiders?" She understand that she's not telling her parents about that but Freyr and Ullr too? Wasn't Ilia really close with the boys?

That must be one of the reason why the have a new Groundskeeper this term. The previous one probably still in dealing with shock or something like that. "Your pet was a victim too?" Poor thing. "What pet was it? A cat?" Or an owl?

She knew that Ilia was really good with her wand. Like REALLY GOOD! They did attend Durmstrang together for a few years and she saw her using her wand several times but killing a creatures? Let alone a BIG GIANT spiders? That kinda shocked her. "Well done!" Maybe Ilia could teach her some of that hexes she used to kill the spiders.

She got goose bump hearing the Slytherin story about how the spiders pinned her with their pincers. Desperation and bravado And stupidity. "What made them attack the castle anyway?" They're not going to attack unless they're provoked. At least that what's she read. They didn't kill the Queen? Maybe they reached an understanding or something. As long as the spiders stayed in the forest. "Yes. And I haven't seen any single we too." Well, she did see a spider web but a regular one not a giant one.

She didn't tell them? Oh.....Ullr was probably pouting. Freyr never stayed too sad for too long, but Ullr was a bit more well as slightly more attached to Candice...." You probably should send them an owl. I'm sure they miss you." She was staying here for Christmas too? Guy trip? Ilia giggled a little at Candice's reply and smiled a bit at her. "At least we are here together." She didn't know if either of her boys would be here, so she presumed that she would be alone.

"I don't think that anyone likes being pranked." She laughed a little , trying not to seem unsympathetic with how upset Candice was. "It probably isn't worth hexing someone over, is it? They were wrong, you don't like them...they probably don't like you. Hexing won't fix that." Ilia tended to be more of a pacifist until strongly angered and she didn't want Candice to get detention.

"I haven't told anyone outside of school because I don't want my parents to know. They would probably ship me off to Beauxbatons....." The very LAST thing she wanted to happen. She didn't even want to go back to Durmstrang right now either....Not with her best friend here.

Her pet was a victim....yes she was. Ilia was still dealing with that and it was hard. What was she? "No.....she was a toad that my best friend and I had." Her voice grew quiet and sad as she said this. She still missed princess terribly.

Well done? Ilia really didn't think of it that way she supposed. She really just acted irrationally and let her rage get the better of her. She wasn't proud to hurt things....although she no longer counted spiders safe with the rest of the creatures. "Thank you?"

"Something about a mate getting killed or something.....It sounded like a villain from one of Henric's muggle comic books...." She really did....and then they got free and she'd read his comic what. "The professors and ministry people...and shop keepers....ran in to rescue us and in the castle they used an illusion charm to make the freaks think we had basilisks. It was pretty clever actually." Although, she pretty much thought that the only good spider was a dead spider.
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