Forest Troll
Join Date: Aug 2011 Location: Ohio
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Hogwarts RPG Name: Kirsten Delbin Hufflepuff Fifth Year Hogwarts RPG Name: Mateo Theodore Slytherin Fifth Year
x11 x9
| Puff by day, snake by night | Mj's bestie | Always UP to Something... SPOILER!!: Adi Quote:
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19 When Olathe reached him the seventh year returned the greeting before hugging her. "I wouldn't miss this! You look great, by the way! And you sound so jingly.'' Hehe. "Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way,'' he sang.
But OF COURSE Brooklyn was ignoring him. Honestly, he was starting to give up on her though half of him said not to. He shrugged to himself. He would see what happened, how it all played out. "You're in luck, Dante!'' That camera that had stuck with him ever since the last summer was snugly in his dorm. But not for long! Adi Summoned it and while he waited, he added to his friend, ''Afraid that hats would mess with your hair?'' What was that whistling sound? AHA! It was his camera, he noted as he turned his head. The Puff jumped up to snag it out of the air. Mercifully, it hadn't rammed into anyone. "Say 'Merry Christmas', Dante!'' The camera was ready to snag a picture!
Adi laughed at what Yoongi said. "It might help you to be warm?'' He didn't quite know since he had never taken the potion himself, opting to fight off the cold whenever he got it. Not that he got it quite often. "Hades does have a great suggestion though. Muggle remedies work wonders.'' They did. "Oh, thanks! The beard's great but the mustache is itchy!'' Scratch, scratch! HAHAHA! ''I agree. Wouldn't want to hide away your face now, would you?" He figured Yoongi was quite fond of his face.
Boss? Yeeeah, Adi was boss  He grinned at his bestie, not at all missing the way the greeting towards everyone had been done extra loudly. Benny was following in his footsteps and being loud? Hmmm. As for the 'boss' comment, he totally got it. Benny was the reindeer and Adi was Santa who was in charge of all the things. "Your red nose is not shining, Rudolph,'' he said, peering at his friend over his specs.
What's this? A SAD looking Janelle on Christmas?  NOOOOOO! This couldn't happen! Without a second thought, Adi leapt up from his heat to flop down beside the Claw. He tickled her side. "Happy Christmas!'' He then wrapped his arms around the girl, squishing her. A hug was all that was needed sometimes, right?
Annnnd more arrivals! "Merry and happy Christmas, you lot!'' This was directed to Mr K, Paulina, Moxley, Zander, Culloden, Colt, Beatrice and Cassie.
Hearing a voice Cassie looked up from the group she was sitting with and saw Adi, "Hello, Happy Christmas. How are you doing today?" She figured well with all the activities, but she also couldn't help but wonder why so many stayed back for Christmas instead of going home. "Are you having fun?" SPOILER!!: Benny Quote:
Originally Posted by Holmesian Feline Yeah, he caught that look from Brooklyn. Though Benny couldn't decide the exact reason, given that the Slytherin girl could be quite particular about things. So he'd be leaving that alone. Oh look...there was Professor Morgan...taking a seat beside Mr. Kitridge as predicted. A cute duo enjoying the holiday together. And apparently dealing with some frosting issues with Professor Moxley. "Happy Christmas."
But alas, it was the reaction from Adi that interested him the most. The Gryffindor wasn't thinking anything about the volume of his greetingm having simply tried to get everyone at once...and failing, seeing as so many had actually arrived AFTER him. The Hufflepuff at least got the reference to him being the boss, the toy man leading the reindeer whom he was representing. And it seemed as if Rudolph was the chosen reindeer he was tonight. " cold at the moment." So no itchy redness occuring naturally and he hadn't thought to spell it red.
She wasn't surprised that the next student she had seen was Benny. Glad to see the two friends getting along again she smiled and gave some snaps. "Happy Christmas Benny, I hope you are having a wonderful day." Her eyes bright with Christmas excitement she glanced towards the trees, "Have you decorated any?" She'd have to get over there and help a little, it would be so fun! SPOILER!!: Meredith Quote:
Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow Moxley simply couldn't stop wiggling happily in her seat. The buzz of holiday excitement was certainly in the air and all the positive energy was making her feel warm and fuzzy from the top of her perfectly combed head, down to the tips her adorably painted toes (red and green for the holiday, of course). Cosgrach got a jovial pat on the back when he joined her at the table. They were practically BFFs these days and she was pleased that he was around for this little get together. "The beard suits you, I think." Just saying, though she did wonder if food might get caught in it. Sort of the downside of beards, right? Poor Santa. York got a tinsel wave from Moxley, who was feeling all sorts of friendly. The Transfiguration professor was looking right at home and that was always nice to see. Mr. Winchester also got a smile, though she didn't want to interrupt their conversation so she left it at that.
Was it odd for so many students to stay for Christmas? Moxley couldn't help but wonder as she watched them chat and exchange holiday greetings and plans. Well, at least if they had to be here, they were going to enjoy it AND with a professor as cool as her around, who could complain? "And a Happy Christmas to you, Mr. Atreyu!" Good egg, that Benjamin. Moxley was a fan. Aw, and look at little Davie with those glasses and those adorable eyes! "Nice to see you, Mr. Truebridge!" Cue an enthusiastic wave for him, as well as for Ms. Andrews. "Happy Holidays!" And a very happy muggle studies professor, could they tell? "Prefect Rehman, you're looking quite festive!" Needed to fill up on food if he wanted to get the santa look just right, though. Cassie seemed to be in much better spirits as of late and Meredith was glad for that. She gave the divination professor a big old Moxley grin as she draped her tinsel around her neck, wearing it like a scarf. "Happy Christmas to you, too! It has been smooth sailing, so far. How about your term?"
Getting the frosting off Leo's nose she looked back towards the Badger Head of House, "Well that's good, but I would assume you aren't having any issues with Hufflepuff, we are always a very easy going house." Smiling at the thought of her old house and their great ways. "Yes it's been a very good term so far. The students are just working so hard." Which was her reason for being there SPOILER!!: Leo Quote:
Originally Posted by Nordic Witch
Hearing someone address before said someone sneezed loudly Leo turned his head around to find the source which was Yoongi. Smiling across the table at lion boy he said "Bless you and Happy Christmas Yoongi! I see you went for the reindeer ears just like me."
If he thought that Airey had gone all out with his clothing for the christmas feast then Meredith had done the same. From head to toe she spread the christmas spirit around with her reindeer hat and waving gold tinsel. Beaming merrily Leo said as his fellow HoH claimed the seat across from him. "Happy Christmas Meredith! You look very festive. I like the hat." He on the other hand had just gone for the ears. Maybe he could make his tie sparkle festively or something. Raising a hand to touch his face awkwardly, Leo mumbled. "It might be, I made gingerbread men in the kitchen earlier with the elves. Do you like baking?" "Merry Christmas Cossy!" Leo greeted with a smile across the table at his friend. Curiously he asked "How did you grow your beard so long over night?" Magic obviously or a potion possibly. It could be either considering what his friend taught. "How has term been so far?" Leo would have liked to visit his friend more regularly but work kept getting in the way. He promised himself to make a visit to the dungeons after the holidays were over. "Merry Christmas Benny!" Leo greeted over the table to the lion that had taken up camp next to his best buddy in Hufflepuff. "How has your 7th year been so far? Any memorable classes?" "Happy Christmas David!" Leo directed with a big beam to Annie's son across the table. "How has your first year been so far?" "Happy Christmas Brooklyn!" Leo with a merry smile to the snakette with a little wave over the table. "Are you looking forward to eating some christmas food soon?" He was that was for sure. Baking had made him hungry.
When Cassie arrived Leo beamed up warmly at her saying "Merry Christmas Cassie!" As she slipped into the seat next to him, he reached over to lace his left hands fingers with hers. A small but affectionate gesture. He couldn't kiss her with so many students in close proximity so this would have to do. Leo was glad that she looked happy and cheerful. Beaming he agreed with her. "Christmas is definitely the best time of the year. I even got some baking time in." Which was why he had frosting in his face. Awkward. Cassie enjoyed it though and even giggled as she removed some from his nose. "Do I have frosting anywhere else?" "Happy Christmas Adi!" Leo directed to the puff prefect as he caught the 7th years gaze. "Did you finish that book on Hippogriffs that you borrowed from the library?" He wondered curiously. If he had could he be persuaded to write something short about it for others?
Taking his hand under the table she gave it a little squeeze. She couldn't wait to give him his gifts later on, she really hoped he like what she had gotten him this year. "It is, I just love it. All the decorations are so wonderful and it is so nice to have this for the students who can't go back. I'm so glad we stayed to help out." Though she would have to check on family at some point, she was very glad she got to stay.
Examining his face she shook her head, "Nope, I think I got it all." A giggle leaving her lips as she took a goblet and a sip of eggnog. SPOILER!!: Penelope Quote:
Originally Posted by griffin
Christmas feast! There was a rule that everyone needed to wear a santa hat, reindeer ears, tinsel boa santa beard, or other Christmas decoration. She had opted for a tinsel boa and a santa hat. Penelope loved baking Christmas cookies, and she had baked a lot of cookies. "Merry Christmas everyone!" Penelope set her tray of Christmas cookies on the table. She had baked a wide variety of cookies, just like her grandmother always did at Christmas. You could never have too many cookies at Christmas. There was always someone there to eat them. "Merry Christmas, Mr. Kitridge!" Penelope greeted the Ravenclaw head of house and librarian. "Professor Cassie! Merry Christmas!" Professor Cassie was her favorite professor, and it was really cute how she was dating Mr. Kitridge, her head of house and other favorite staff member.
There was Yoongi! "Hey Yoongi! Merry Christmas!. Nice Reindeer ears." Penelope smiled at Yoongi. "Do you want a cookie?" She pushed the tray of cookies a little closer to him.
Seeing another student Cassie grinned and gave a wave, "Penelope, hello dear. Happy Christmas. How is your day going?" Did they all get presents to open? That would make the day even better, but she hadn't gotten any students gifts, should she have? Sniffing the air a bit she grinned, [b] "I love the smell of cookies, don't you?"[/'b] Now if she could just get her hands on one of the items.
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