PHILOMATH ❅ not one atom, but two ♪ ♪ made of starstuff ❅ def main(): Hippies. This school was filling up with strange, optimistic, over the top HIPPIES and Benzi hated it. HATED IT. He was never in a good mood when he came to Herbology just because he felt like it was mandatory and NOPE. He would noy comply. He would only be in a good mood if he wanted to, excuse you, and oh look he did not want to to, so take that Professor Rainbows and Sunshine.
The only time he'd given anyone a flower was when he wanted to make Evie smile, and that had had absolutely nothing to do with the lesson so there.
Walking in, head held high as he regarded the greenhouse, Benzi walked over to his customary seat and sat down. "Professor," the seventh year greeted him with a nod, then busied himself with absolutely nothing until he begrudgingly, because he knew the new Professor would be waiting, scanned the room for someone to compliment. His eyes landed on the little redhead who'd walked in minutes before him and he figured he might as well. Suri liked her. He kind of liked her too, he guessed. Whatever. "Marsha's always bouncy. And happy." There.
Happy, Myers?
__________________ yeah I like tеlling stories________________________
but I don't have to write them in ink_____ _____________I could still change the end |