Made of Awesome | Ern-la the Best-wa | TZ's Apogee Dot stopped dead in the doorway of the greenhouse and refused to move an inch from her spot as her senses were OVERWHELMED by the odor. Herbology was already a class that she took kind of hard, what with the dirt and the plants and things, but this was too much for her to bear. The smell. The... was that garbage?
Could she go back to bed? The fifth year looked for the professor with wild eyes, but he was all excited about them getting dirty and she was pretty sure he was a hobo in disguise or something. Merlin. If someone gave her nose plugs, she would dress them in those flowers from head to toe. Her soul would be in excellent shape.
She dropped her bag on a workstation near the door, hoping some fresh air would waft her way, and tugged on her gloves. Umm... "Adi is a good sport and an excellent minion." Ahem... Kaycee got a scandalized look before Dot shrugged and offered up her gloved hand for a fist bump. Good one.
__________________ ★ Dawn ★
Awakening ★ Spiritual ★ Hopeful ★ Honest |