anyoneee? lives in a hobbit hole || Ern and Touz's Nuzzle || roflysst || looking at a seed packet Char couldn't DECIDE if it was a good thing or a bad thing that she had successfully convinced her parents to let her stay for the special feast. She MISSED her brother and sister TERRIBLY (and her mum and dad and their crup) but she COULDN'T go home and have them KNOW that she was NOT a Ravenclaw! She'd been telling them that she was, or implying it. Whatever she needed to do including having pictures of herself taken wearing DAVIE's Ravie robes. She would have to borrow one of his jumpers, and his scarf, to take home with her when she DID go home.
She adjusted her angel halo headband and wandered around the tree decorating area. It wasn't JUST the headband that she was wearing though, Char ALSO was wearing fluffy strap on wings, and ALSO had both of her arms from the elbow down and including her hands, painted like CANDY CANES, so that when she curved her hands into a hook shape, it LOOKED LIKE SHE HAD CANDY CANES INSTEAD OF ARMS. SHE WAS A CANDY CANE ANGEL. A CANDY CANGEL. Thanks to Dima of course. Her cousin was super good at painting and stuff after all.
.... and NOW she needed to find a TREE to decorate!
__________________ love is like a letter wrote :: and life is like an envelope
be careful who you give it to :: they might not give it back to you |