With his next batch of letters carefully tied to his legs and one in his beak Barney flew into the Great Hall once again flapping rapidly with his wings to not topple over because of the weight.
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Norah didn't hold herself back from skipping into the Great Hall because it was CHRISTMAS and that meant freedom for all the fun things. Everybody got to act little on Christmas, even people who here totally and completely above such things. Like her. Well, she was half-trying to achieve that, anyways. The other half of the time she ignored the goal completely because it wasn't really a very fun goal anyways. Plus it made her sound like her mum, and who wanted to do that? Not her. That's who. But she wasn't going to think about any of that today because Christmas was the very happiest day, which left no space for missing home. It was the first time she'd decided to stay at Hogwarts for the holidays, but there seemed to be a whole lot of stuff to distract her. All the activities DID seem a lot more exciting than listening to her dad recite A Christmas Carol just like every year, a story that was just as boring now as it probably had been when it was written a million years ago.
Spotting the first recipient Barney swooped towards the girl. He was aiming to land gracefully on the floor in front of her. However that got complicated with so many humans standing around her. Losing height and speed, Barney misinterpreted the landing and came to the floor with a
THUD and flapping wings. Sticking his leg out with the letter labeled 'Norah' he waited, chest heaving for the girl to untie it.
He was in luck though since the second recipient was standing near by. It was nice when the humans made it easy for old Barney to deliver his post.
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He'd... had his eye on her heart for awhile? PUH-LEASE. "You're such a dork," she quipped playfully, giving him a nudge, and had just begun giving consideration to which tree they should pick to decorate when--
Culloden happened.
No more hand-holding, and no more even STANDING close to Zander. If she was in a properly playful state of mind, she would've tried to act upset and defy Culloden to get back to Zander-- but instead, she burst into laughter.
"You're impossible, y'know that?" But the tree he picked out WAS a good one, so... with a shrug, Soph let Culloden lead them over toward it, just in time to pick up a Norah along the way. The Hufflepuff prefect got a BIG ol' smile, and Soph nodded her firm agreement. "I like the way you think, Norah. Let's DO IT." They'd have the PRETTIEST AND GLITTERIEST TREE OF THEM ALL.
Raising himself up on his legs, Barney flapped a little with his wings as he walked over to stand in front of the next girl. Sticking his right leg out with the letter adressed to 'Sophie' attached to his leg he waited for it to be untied. If he had to stand too long on his left leg he'd topple over in a heap and possibly break something.