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Dot didn't take Divination, but she'd seen the professor around enough to know exactly who Rusty was pretending to be. Especially with all that finger snapping. Pink high heels were kind of awesome, though, so she probably ought to make an effort to know more about the woman.
"Perfect! I knew exactly who that was supposed to be." Dot leaned over to check the card... and yep! Their second question had disappeared as well. Next up on the list... "Admit something that worries you or that you're afraid of."
There was a lot of soul searching happening today, wasn't there. "I guess we're skipping right over 'what is your favorite color' and 'what is your favorite animal', hmm? I guess that I'm afraid of..." Pick something normal and not at all overly emotional. Be normal. Be totally normal. "I'm afraid of being left behind."
So that was a big failure.
"And I also don't like dirt. Herbology is rough on me."
Yes! Rusty was quite proud of herself, 'cause she didn't look anything like Professor Cassie and Dot still knew who she was supposed to be. She sat down again, and glanced at her feet. Rusty hated wearing shoes... but maybe she'd like high heels. She'd never ever tried them - nobody back home wore them, cause they just weren't practical... and most of them preferred being barefoot anyway... maybe she could borrow some from someone and try them out.
"Left behind..? But there are so many people around here. You can't really be left behind when it's so busy, can you?" Rowan, of course, didn't realise the full meaning of what the older girl had said...
"My mum once left me behind at a festival by accident but I made friends with a lady who had a shop there and she gave me some orange juice and then my grammy came to collect me after a little while. It was actually pretty great cause the lady let me try on some of the jewellery she was selling and she gave me a tiny star necklace to take home with me." Not relevant, really, but that had never phased her before.
"And I don't think I'm really scared of anything cause you can usually get yourself out of most things." she said, tapping a finger on her chin as she thought.
"I think I might be afraid of... um..." Okay, this was difficult.
"I think I would be afraid if I was doing divination and saw that something bad was going to happen." She glanced at the paper... but the question was still there... That was too much of a hypothetical fear then...
What about something that worried her..
"Oh! Sometimes I get worried that I'll miss loads at home whilst I'm here at school because none of my family can come to Hogwarts or anything." That mainly made her sad though... but it was a start.