AR class #1, post 1 Made of Awesome | Ern-la the Best-wa | TZ's Apogee This seemed a likely spot, and Dot happily climbed up onto the railing, spreading out her robes to take a comfortable seat. It was a little chilly today, but not so cold that they couldn't be outside for half an hour or so. Besides, if it got really cold, they could just walk on down the path and warm up again.
"D'you remember the questions right off? I wrote them down..." Dot scrambled for the bit of parchment in her pockets to see if she could find the questions again. Something... about... secrets. They'd have to warm up to that one, because Dot held her secrets really close.
"Well, it says to share something personal, and it also says to tell a secret later. I don't suppose you know what the difference is there, do you? I'm not terribly literal minded, but we could just tell the same thing twice and maybe the question will disappear off the page? D'you have something to share? Something personal?" Oh, Merlin, she was doing that thing again.
Ahem. Her something personal. "I talk too much. All the time. Like literally talk too much and literally say too much. It's a problem."
__________________ ★ Dawn ★
Awakening ★ Spiritual ★ Hopeful ★ Honest |