Thread: Information: SSRPG Character Biographies
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Old 09-08-2015, 07:02 PM   #45 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Andromeda Renzler-Denaker
First Year
Fluttery Pegasi

Hadley Denaker
Model: Alexz Johnson

Text Cut: Hadley Denaker
Name: Hadley Holland Denaker
Nickname: Haddie, Hads, Dazzling Denaker
Date of Birth: September 2, 2076
Age: 20
Place of Birth: Los Angeles, California
Current Residence: World Traveller
Natural hair color: Blonde
Current hair color: Auburn
Eye color: Blue-grey
Height: 5'6"
Defining physical features: A birthmark at the base of her neck on her left shoulder that vaguely looks like a capsized sailboat ~ If you tilt your head to the right and squint while cross-eyed.
Heritage: Muggle-born
School: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
House: Ravenclaw
Year: Class of 2095
Wand: 10 3/4 inch, stiff, ebony, with an unicorn hair core
Patronus: Stoat
Animagus: Stoat
Boggart: Being trapped; physically, mentally, or just in the mundane
Amortentia: The Ocean, surf wax, funnel cake and wand polish
Strongest Subjects: Transfiguration, Charms, DADA
Weakest Subjects: History of Magic, Herbology
Outstanding: Transfiguration, Charms, Muggle Studies, DADA
Exceeds Expectations: Potions, COMC
Acceptable: Ancient Runes, Divination, Herbology
Outstanding: Transfiguration, Charms, DADA, Potions
Exceeds Expectations: COMC, Muggle studies
Acceptable: Divination
Work Experience
Previous: Waitress at her mother's Restaurant during summers
Current: Wildlife photographer for both Wizarding and Muggle publications
Father: James Denaker
Mother: Amanda Denaker
Siblings: Mark Denaker (older brother), Natalie Denaker (twin; identical)
Pets: Wimple (Boobook owl; delightfully expressive), Asher (Ferret; Very affectionate)

Grandfather: Stanley Denaker (Paternal)
Grandmother: Maddison Denaker (Paternal; Via Marriage)
Uncle: David Denaker (Paternal; Father's twin; Estranged)
Aunt: Brighid Denaker
Cousins: Ailsa Denaker, Adi Rehman, Melbourne Sorin-Ward
SPOILER!!: Haddie is a brat sometimes
Haddie Denaker is, actually, quite smart. Her grades don’t always show this, however, as Haddie, as well as her twin, Nat, more often prefer to apply their intelligence to their own fun and amusement, usually in the form of harmless pranks. Hadley is adventurous, independent, and fiercely loyal to those she cares about, but if you break her trust, you’ll find quite impossible to regain.

She can be self-centered at times, without realizing it. She can also be exceptionally patient when she wants to be, and extremely impatient when she doesn’t. Haddie is also known to stubbornly hold onto a single goal, even long after it should have been abandoned. She can have a mischievous streak at times, and will, at times, willfully disregard rules when it suits her.

Natalie, her twin sister, isn’t all that different. She just tends to be better at hiding it when she’s getting into trouble.

Haddie also has a habit of naming everything.
Natalie Denaker was born on September 2, 2076, at 6:23 A.M. Her twin sister, Hadley, came into the world exactly 13 hours and 11 minutes later. The two have been nearly inseparable ever since. Which is why it took so long for their parents to realize the truth…

Bizarre things seemed to happen around the girls quite often. Sometimes it was easy to explain away – I’m sorry, Mark, I didn’t realize the bike was purple (Haddie’s favorite color at the time), it looked red under the lighting at the store – And other times, it just defied all rational explanation, like that time in first grade a boy, who had been picking on Nat, suddenly had the misfortune to sprout fur all over, leaving everyone scratching their heads, except Mr. and Mrs. Denaker, who simply gave their girls a stern look, and kept silent.

The girls secretly loved the strange things that happened, especially Natalie. To them it was a sign they were secretly fairy princesses sent into hiding to be raised by humans for their own protection and Nat would often regale Haddie with stories of what their fairy kingdom was like. Naturally, being older, she remembered such things.

It was assumed the odd things that happened centered around, or maybe were even caused by, both girls. Until the third grade that is. At the end of their second grade year, their school expressed concerned the girls weren’t branching out and making friends beyond each other, and it was decided that the girls would be in separate classrooms next year. This did not go over well with the girls, both of whom remained stubbornly upset about it well into the school year. Natalie’s class remained perfectly, boringly ordinary, much to Nat’s dismay. Haddie’s on the other hand… In the first month alone all the textbooks in the classroom became illegible gibberish, the teacher found herself stuck firmly to her chair for an entire day, and half the class came down with a temporary case of laryngitis that doctors couldn’t explain, given that none of them were actually sick. It was decided, discreetly, to put the girls back in the same class for fourth grade.

Recently, Mrs. Denaker, an award-winning chef, was offered a job as head chef of a five star restaurant in the heart of London. So, the summer before their 11th birthday, the girls moved with their family to England. Not everyone was completely thrilled about moving. It did, at least, answer questions about their daughter’s unique gift by way of their new neighbors, who, as part of the wizarding world recognized Haddie’s talents for what they were. Also the small clerical error which mislabeled Haddie’s birthday, resulting in her getting an acceptance letter a year earlier than she should have, helped. The mistake was quickly fixed and Haddie received a hearty “see you next year” in its place.

After a month of begging and pleading, Haddie finally got her parents to take her to Diagon Alley to see her new world for the first time, their neighbor acting as escort. There she met Rachel Watson, and the two became friends, keeping in touch via Haddie's owl, Wimple (a birthday gift from her neighbor). She has also spent the year babysitting for their neighbor, earning some spending money for the wizarding world.

Natalie, however, hasn't taken the news that her twin sister is a witch and will be attending Hogwarts without her very well. This has left the girls' relationship increasingly strained over the year.
SPOILER!!: FIRST YEAR (2088-2089)
Hadley's year started off with the discovery her cousin, Ailsa, who she hadn't seen since she was 7, was also a witch starting Hogwarts. The two couldn't be more different. It was no surprise when Ailsa, as well as Haddie's best friend, Rachel, were sorted into Ravenclaw. It was, however, a shock when Hads was also sorted into Ravenclaw. Hadley is still convinced that the sorting hat made a mistake and she should have been put into Gryffindor. Many of her housemates feel the same, and avoid the un-Ravenclaw-esque Eagle as much as possible.

Trouble started at the feast, when a food fight was started by the Gryffindors. Though ordered by the Ravenclaw Prefects not to throw food back, Hads still joined in, using a loophole: instead of throwing the food, she dumped, smashed or splattered the others with it. As punishment she was made to help clean the bookshelves in the library with Mr. Kitridge and Kitty Valentine the next morning (her birthday). Peeves, upset he missed the fun the night before started another food fight in the library. Later that night during the Eagle raffle, more mayhem broke out when the prize chest turned out to be full of ferrets and pygmy puffs. After helping to capture all the critters, the Eagles were allowed to keep one of them as a pet. Haddie snuck a pygmy puff in her pocket while openingly choosing to keep an ash grey ferret she named Asher. She later gave the pygmy puff to Noelle, a second year Gryffindor that lost hers over a terrible incident over summer.

Hadley's first Nemesis was Davie Truebridge, the horrible 2nd year boy that blew up at her for not knowing who Harry Potter or George Weasley were. The boy Rachel was crushing on. This came to a head when, later in the year, Rachel invited Davie to a magical hide-and-seek game Hadley had set up with Prefect Penny. Hadley felt betrayed and refused to speak to Rachel for months. The two eventually made up, in part due to the help of Natalie, Hadley's twin, over the Christmas break. Nat and Hads made up, and Nat helped her come to her senses. Hadley then had to drop the bombshell that she wasn't going to be returning to Hogwarts next year, thanks to her Dad somehow finding out about both the Hag trying to cook them all, and the Potions Professor poisoning the class.

Davie was eventually replaced as Hadley's Nemesis with the Care of Magical Creatures Professor, James Draper, who she secretly hexed at the end of term feast, causing him to dance uncontrollably. She was assisted by the Herbology Professor, Paul Myers, who magicked up a tutu for Draper.

Upon returning home, Hadley learned that it was more than just not returning to Hogwarts. Her Dad didn't want her to have any contact with the Wizarding World, feeling it was too dangerous. That included seeing or communicating with her friends. Haddie didn't accept that and disobeyed as much as she could, forcing her Dad to take some rather extreme measures to get his daughter's obedience. It worked, but hasn't helped their relationship much, and the two are almost constantly butting heads, often quite explosively. It became clear to Haddie's Mom and siblings that putting distance between Hadley and her father might be the best thing at this time...

Confusingly, Hadley was one of the nobel prize for potioneering recipients despite being horrible at potions.
SPOILER!!: SECOND YEAR (2089-2090)
Hadley started off the term on a good note by not having her robes for the start of term feast. This resulted in lose of points and her having to wear Rooney's, the new prefect, robes, which Hadley returned to him in dramatic fashion after getting into another fight with Mossy. This resulted in yet another Ravenclaw enemy in Rooney.

During a Potions class dealing with aging spells, Hadley managed to mess the potion up so spectacularly that it aged her backwards, leaving her seven years old and without any memory of Hogwarts. The girl ran amok through the castle, and stumbled upon Professor Hirsch, whom she thought was a knight there to protect her. Professor Newton was able to brew an antidote and return Hadley to normal. This incident force Mossy and Hadley to talk out their differences and the two became friends finally.

Just before Christmas Hadley was turned into a mindless zombie bent on finding a book. She completely unshelved the library, as well as Professor Primeaux's personal library, where she ended up pushing Prefect Dot. After Primeaux's office, zombified Hadley made her way to the Ravenclaw tower and was knocked out and restrained by Penny before being taken to the hospital wing.

She spent Christmas with her best friend, Rachel, and ended up dying her hair dark red. When school started again, the new red head finally pushed Professor Primeaux too far and was given detention for being disrespectful as well as the incident in his office. She finally broke down, leveling all her pent up emotions about her father and her summer on the man during detention.

The rest of the year went rather quietly for Hadley. Kitty let it slip to Tenacius that Hadley had a crush on him. He was cool with it. She spent the summer hanging out with friends, playing quidditch for a regional team, acting in a play, getting tutored in Herbology and Potions and babysitting Octopus, her next door neighbor.

Surprisingly, Hadley again made it on the Nobel prize of Potioneering list. She also made Hirsch's black belt dueler list and was top dueler for the first and second years.
SPOILER!!: THIRD YEAR (2090-2091)
Nothing of importance happened to Hads this year. It was quite dull for her. Like she wasn't even there... She did spend the year being tutored in potions by Professor Newton.

During summer, she spent the first half hanging with her friends and the usual. The second half of the summer was spent in California, visiting her Dad with Natalie, Rachel and a friend of Natalie's from her own school. In California they surfed, hung out at the beach, visited all the amusement parks and even went hang-gliding. It took a lot of convincing to get Rachel to try that last one. Rachel and she also got to explore the US wizarding community a bit.
SPOILER!!: FOURTH YEAR (2091-2092)
Hadley was distracted study, researching and writing an essay on Animagi in order to finally be allowed to start training. This worked out well for a deal she made with her Mom that if she stayed out of trouble and safe the whole year, her Mom would agree to give her permission to get a tattoo when she turns 16, as it kept her from being involved in that portal and monster business. Her crush on Ace died when he kissed Mel, and Mel kissed him back. She had to force herself to get over it though, and quickly, or she'd lose her two best friends.

Summer was busy. Hadley spent most of it working as a waitress in her Mom's restaurant along side her twin, Natalie. Tips were good, but it wasn't the most exciting job. When she wasn't working there, she was babysitting a lot next door. As such she didn't get to spend as much time with her friends as she hoped.

There was also a wedding, in California. Her Grandpa, a muggle, at some point met Melbourne's Grandma, and the two hit it off, and got married over the summer. Hads and Mel have been reveling in their new status as cousins since.
SPOILER!!: FIFTH YEAR (2092-2093)
Hadley spent the year busy with classes, training to be an Animagus, hanging with her friends and studying for her O.W.Ls. When not doing any of those, Hadley was enjoying the international competition with Ilvermorny and speaking to the American students to learn what Ilvermorny was like. She somehow managed to scrap an Acceptable in Herbology.

Summer was spent working as a waitress at her Mum's restaurant and hanging with her friends.
SPOILER!!: SIXTH YEAR (2093-2094)
Not much happened with Hads this year. She spent it avoiding the drama and issues going around involving the muggle rights, which frankly she found insulting. Hadley continued to train diligently at becoming an animagus.

Summer again found her hanging with her friends and working part-time at her Mum's restaurant. It also saw the loss of her beloved Asher. Heartbroken, Hadley got her first magical tattoo in remembrance of the ferret. Later that summer, just before school, she went back for her second magical tattoo, commemorating the first bit of magic she performed with her wand.
Hadley again managed to ignore the going-ons and weirdness that plagued the school, instead devoting herself to studying for her N.E.W.T.s, training hard to become an animagus, in hopes of succeeding before graduating. This, however, was not to be.

Over summer Hadley took a road trip across the US with her twin, Natalie, her cousin Melbourne, and her sister's girlfriend. Being of age witches, and fresh out of Hogwarts, Hads and Mels enjoyed their magic a bit too freely, but managed not to get caught, thankfully. A summer thunderstorm in the midwest was exactly what Hads needed to complete her training, and the four immediately found a motel, so Hads could take the animagus potion and complete the transformation. Her animagus form is a stoat.

Upon returning to London, Hadley got her third magical tattoo, a stoat, so that she and Asher can run around together the way they never got to while he was alive. She was a bride's maid at her mother's wedding. Shortly after, Hadley left for Africa to start her dream of being a wildlife photographer.
Upon returning to London, Hadley got her third magical tattoo, a stoat, so that she and Asher can run around together the way they never got to while he was alive. She was a bride's maid at her mother's wedding. Shortly after, Hadley left for Africa to start her dream of being a wildlife photographer.

After 6 months of living in Africa and taking pictures, Hadley returned to London to sell her photos to both Wizarding and Muggle publications, managed to make several contacts in both worlds. She is currently making her way across Europe on a freelance assignment for a Wizarding publication to photograph the magical creatures of Europe.

Face Claim: Kaya Scodelario

Text Cut: Quinnlin Moon
Full Name: Quinnlin Charlotte Talulah Moon
Nicknames: Quinn
Special Nicknames: Quinntessential, Quinnity, Quinnster, Quinnterifica, Quinnybear, Q, Quinnie, Schmebster, Schmebby, Tweetless Bird, Tweetless
Nickname Privileged: Beth Greyvson, Reese Prichard, Eria Lovecraft
DOB: May 1, 2084
Age: 14
Gender: Female
Birthplace: Chelsea, London England
Residence: England, Norway during school term
Height: 5'6" (US) / 167.64 cm (UK/EU)
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Blue
Build: Svelte
Noticeable Traits: Dimples, light freckling across her nose
Laterality: Right
Piercings: Two on each ear lobe
Tattoos: None
Previous School: Hogwarts School for Witchcraft and Wizardary (2095-2096)
Current School: Volurheim Academy of Magic (2096 - current)
Year: Fourth
Best Subject: Transfiguration, Charms, Potions
Worst Subject: Astronomy, Muggle studies, Arithmancy
Blood Status: Pureblood
Patronus: Jaguar (Has yet to cast)
Boggart: Herself, ending up just like her parents
Erised: Herself in a family like Beth's
Amortentia: Unknown
Wand: 14" Pine, Veela Hair and Mermaid Hair mixed core, quite unyeilding
Musical: Violin
Skilled At: Storytelling, Acting, Surviving, TBA
Languages: English, Norwegian
Birth father: Emerson Kevelle
Birth mother: Laureline Kevelle
Father:Vincent Moon
Mother:Puck Moon
Siblings: Ellie Moon
Dogs: Two labradoodles, Aoife and Luca, and one beagle, Peter S.
Snake: Tobias, king snake
Owl: Winter, snowy owl
Best Friends: Anabeth Greyvson, Octavia "Octopus" Loftbottom, Lily Lian Ke, Reese Prichard, Eria Lovecraft
Friends: Rylee Prichard
Ex-Boyfriend: Reese Prichard
Frienemies: TBA
Enemies: Ewan Jones
Myers-Briggs: INTP-A
In Depth: Quinn is a bit of a misanthrope, preferring books and stories and fictional characters to people. As such, she takes some time to actually warm up to people. Quinn is quite the storyteller herself and loves practicing on anyone and everyone. It might take sometime to figure out what is fact and what is fabrication where she is involved. She is fiercely independent and self-reliant, having spent quite a bit of time alone in large house with only the house elf, Keesey, taking care of her. As such, Quinn often finds her own way and isn't one to blindly follow rules just because someone says she should. Give her a good reason however, and she'll acquiesce. She's not exactly a troublemaker, just prefers to do herself and let the mindless sheep dimly follow the stupid trends and rules without her. She'll just curl up in a comfy chair with a good book instead.

𝔻𝕚𝕫𝕫𝕪 𝕃𝕦𝕚𝕛𝕖𝕟𝕕𝕚𝕛𝕜
Face Claim: Laneya Grace

Text Cut: Dizzy Luijendijk
● Name: Alfdis Luijendijk [Pronounced halfway between Liondike and Layendayk]
● Nickname: Dizzy
● Date of Birth: June 21st, 2084
● Current Age: 13
● Birthplace: Amsterdam, North Holland, The Netherlands
● Residence: Chelsea, London, England
● Length: 158 cm (5'2" US)
● Hair: Light Brown
● Eyes: Gold-Green
● Complexion: Very lightly tan
● Laterality: Right
● Piercings: Two on each ear
● Previous School: Beauxbatons Academy of Magic
● Current School: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
● Year: Second
● House: Ravenclaw
● Best Subjects: Charms, History of Magic
● Worst Subjects: Muggle Studies, Arithmancy
● Blood Status: Half-Veela
● Patronus: Osprey [Has yet to cast]
● Boggart: Bugs
● Amortentia: Old Books, Fries, Lavender, Sea breeze
● Erised: TBA
● Wand: 10 3/4" Veela hair [From her Mama] core, swishy, silver lime wood [Silver flowers and vines wrapped around a polished silvery wood]
● Father: Arjan Luijendijk
● Mother: Freyja Vilasandra [Veela]
● Sisters: Runa Luijendijk [Fraternal Twin], Brynhildur "Bryn" Bjornsdottir, Arienne Durand, Minette Chase [nee Dubois], Gudrun Dagursdottir
● Nieces: Imogen, Anabeth & Cordelia Greyvson
● Pet: Solstice [Black Cat]
● Best Friends: Runa Luijendijk, Beth Greyvson, Cord Greyvson
● Friends: TBA
● Frenemies: TBA
● Enemies: TBA
● Myers-Briggs: ENFP-A
● In Depth: Dizzy has rather earned her nickname having been rather high energy growing up, and while she has mellowed out a bit, she still has her moments. Quite a bit of them actually. Dizzy is a girl that loves life, and sees everything as a great adventure, full of fun and excitement to be had. She is often seen wearing a genuine smile, and is usually laid back enough to go with the flow of things.

Being half-veela, she has inherited a veela's temper to go with it, minus the turning into a harpy-like creature and throwing fireballs (those are full-blooded veela things). She is also quick to cool off, if given the space to do so, and will apologize for any outbursts.

Dizzy is generally well-behaved, or more accurately knows where the line is and is adept at walking it without crossing it. After all, when making Mama angry results in her turning harpy, you quickly learn where the line is and how not to cross it.
● In Depth: Dizzy and her sister, Runa, were born on the summer solstice in Amsterdam. Dizzy was born 8 minutes after Runa. They were the first daughters their mother, Freyja, has had in generations, causing a huge age gap between them and their living half-siblings. Their father is a warm, jovial Wizard and magical historian who is somewhat enamored with his own families history. During the golden age of piracy in 17th and 18th century, several of their ancestors were dutch pirates terrorizing the Caribbean, and it is often said within the family, that their ancestor's ship was the true ship behind the Flying Dutchman myth. Whether or not that is true, is something else all together.

Though they live mainly with their Mama, Dizzy and Runa do stay with their Dad quite frequently, hearing all about their ancestors' swashbuckling lives and seeing all the artifacts passed down from those days...which they've often used to play pirate themselves [Shhh...don't tell Pappa]. Growing up in Amsterdam was often more like living in a city-sized playground than a city itself.

The twins attended Beauxbatons Academy of Magic for their first year of schooling, until Mama's, how shall we say, indiscretion with the Headmistress's husband, made it rather necessary to transfer to a new school. They start Hogwarts this September.
● Languages: [Fluent] Dutch, Icelandic, French, English; [Conversational] Norwegian
● Hobbies: Sketching, Art, Singing, Making faces at Runa
● Skills: Sketching, Art, Singing, Making faces at Runa, any and all fire related magic. [It's a half-veela thing]
● Likes: Art, nature, exploring, the sea, sailing, singing, making faces at Runa, swimming, adventures, pirates, animals.
● Dislikes: Rudeness, people who are full of themselves, weak-minded people, bugs of all kinds, teriyaki sauce, boredom
● Post Color: # 00C5CD
● Highlight Color: # ED7AFF

Last edited by Callie; 04-14-2019 at 03:03 AM.
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