Thread: Information: SSRPG Character Biographies
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Old 11-11-2014, 03:38 AM   #36 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Asher Atticus Parker
First Year

Asher Atticus Parker
Model: Asa Butterfield

Text Cut: Asher Atticus Parker
Name: Asher Atticus Parker
Age: 11
Birthday: January 12
Height: 5'2''
Weight: 100 pounds
Hair: Dark Brown
Eyes: Blue

Relationship Status: Single
Birthplace: London
Current Residence: London, England
Occupation: Student

More Info
Wand: 10 ½ inch Vine wood with a Phoenix Feather core
Boggart: Demon
Patronus: N/A

School Info
House (or School Attended if not Hogwarts): Ravenclaw
Favorite Classes: History of Magic
Least Favorite Classes: Care of Magical Creatures

About Him
Personality: Very quiet, but loves to learn and read. Maybe one of these days he'll crawl out of his shell.
Likes: Books, cats, getting an A on a very hard paper or test.
Dislikes: People who don't take classes seriously.

He comes from a muggle family so he knows very little about the Wizarding World. However, he is very determined to learn. When he received his letter, he nearly rejected going to Hogwarts but, on an impulse, changed his mind. His parents are teachers at a local university and were quite disappointed that he would not be going to said university once he graduates.

Sloane Adair Flynn
Model: Emilia Clarke

Text Cut: Sloane Adair Flynn
Name: Sloane Adair Flynn
Age: 26
Birthday: November 21
Height: 5'3”
Weight: 112 pounds
Hair: Dark Brown
Eyes: Green

Relationship Status: Single
Birthplace: London
Current Residence: London, England
Occupation: She likes to think of herself as a journalist

More Info
Wand: Ash with Dragon Core, 12 ¾ Inches, Hard
Boggart: Spiders
Patronus: Cat

School Info
House (or School Attended if not Hogwarts): Ravenclaw
Favorite Classes: Transfiguration
Least Favorite Classes: Arithmancy

About Her
Sassy and stubborn, but extremely kind. Her favorite language is sarcasm.
Likes: Coffee, shoes, lipstick, and reading
Dislikes: Getting so angry she cries, the inability to take home every kitten or puppy she sees

Her mother was obsessed with appearances and her father was always away on business trips. As a child, she was never allowed to play in the dirt or even allowed to wear anything that was wrinkled or mismatched, including socks. This led her into being the highly fashionable snarky woman that she is today. During her first year, she was homeschool by her mother, but fought tooth and nail to attend Hogwarts, which she was able to do starting her second year. However, her mother still attempted to control every aspect of her life.


Brielle Timmons hates everything. . .

Including the idea of falling in love. . .
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