Thread: Information: SSRPG Character Biographies
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Old 10-14-2014, 11:21 AM   #35 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Hazel Martin-Pryce
First Year

Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Scout MacIntyre
Daily Prophet Reporter
Granddaddy Ravenclaw | | Jermione Granger

Tiberius Pryce
Postgraduate student/Researcher: Magical Ecosystems
Hogwarts Class of 2076
Model: Colin O’Donoghue
(previous model: Freddie Highmore)
Post Color: #283A90 aka pabst blue

SPOILER!!: click for bio
The Stats
Name: Tiberius Reginald Pryce
DOB: 15 August 2058
Childhood home: London
Current location: Cairo
Relationship Status: Married to Gabriel Martin, July 2084
Blood Status: Halfblood
House: Ravenclaw

Wand: Maple, Sphinx fur, Sturdy
Patronus: Crane
Aptitudes: Herbology, Magizoology, Charms, History

Height: 5’ 11”
Build: Slender, but strong
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Hazel

Mother: Susan Pryce
Father: Tirion Pryce (deceased)

Other notables
  • Though a Hogwarts graduate, Tiberius attended Beauxbatons from 71-74.
  • He still can’t drink butterbeer without getting sick, due to the events of his 2nd year
  • Attended WU Edinburgh for studies herbology and magizoology.
  • Currently a postgraduate at WU Cairo, magical ecological studies / ecosystem health
  • Did work-study during University in the campus Abraxan stables
  • Research Assistant (2081) on the Thorirsson expedition, WU Reykjavik
  • Fourth Author: “Standing Still as Stone: Observing Scoffin in their Natural Habitat”
  • Spending several months in Romania for dissertation-related field-work (84-85)


Confident, but not cocky, and tremendously caring, Tiberius is someone that people like to be around. Quick with a smile, he also has a good sense of humor. Preferring a book or a nice dinner with a few people to larger gatherings, he can be a bit of an introvert. He can be extremely self-sacrificing, once giving up a spot in a coveted seminar to a student he thought it would benefit more. He enjoys art, music, and dance, and has remained a quidditch fan though he hasn’t played, even recreationally, since Hogwarts. He sings in the shower.

The Backstory

Will fill this in at some point.

Emrys Bateman
errand runner / personal assistant
homeschooled; grad 2079
Model: Johnny Galecki
Post color:
#C73F17 aka chili powder

SPOILER!!: Click here for bio

The Stats
Name: Emrys Bateman
DOB: April 9, 2061
POB: Farndon, Cheshire, England
Current Location: London
Relationship Status: forever alone
Blood Status: Pureblood
House: Ravenclaw, one year

Wand: Willow, Unicorn Hair, Swishy
Patronus: Armadillo
Aptitudes: History, logic puzzles

Height: 5’ 6”
Build: average
Hair: brown
Eyes: brown

Mother: Celeste, b. 2034
Father: Galen, b. 2030
Sister: Amelia, b. April 11, 2068. Hogwarts Class of ’86 (Gryffindor)

Other Notables
  • Allergic to cats
  • Did not attend University, much to his parents’ disappointment
  • Looking for a new job

Emrys can be quite nervous and rambley, but he is a deep thinker and is quite observant. Once he gets comfortable with someone, he is a joy to have a conversation with – if you can get past what is sometimes rather technical speak. However, getting to that point can be quite difficult.

Emrys is really still trying to figure out where he fits in.

foster kid / cutie patootie
future class of 2098
Model: Piper Harris
Post color:
#05B8CC aka cerulean

SPOILER!!: Click here for bio

The Stats
Name: Hazel
DOB: February 13, 2080
POB: Oxford
Blood: Halfblood
Wand: too young
Patronus: too young

Living situation: in group foster home

Other Notables

Has been in care since just after her fourth birthday. When asked about her mom: “mummy got sad, so the ladies said I had to live here instead.”

Current Hogwarts Charrie: Thornton Baines, Ravenclaw
Current Ministry Charrie: Emmalee Howell, Department of Environmental Regulation and Protection

Other brain children include: Silas Druery, Tynan Druery, Preston Kingsley, Amelia Bateman, and Cole Upstead

Has anyone ever sung you a lullaby?
You can fly above the rain clouds
Close your eyes
Let the melody carry you
Leave all your fears behind

You can float across a rainbow sky
to once upon a time
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