Brenda Heilio GENERAL[/CENTER]
Name: Brenda Melody Heilio Nicknames: None. Year: Graduated House: Hufflepuff Date of birth: 5-May-2022 Heritage: Muggle-born Lives in: A little house outside London that she shares with her sister Pets: Miss Kitty (kneazle) (font: 3B1B59) DESCRIPTION Hair: brown Eyes: so light brown that they are nearly golden Height: 5’ 7’’ Body Type: thin Skin: tan PERSONALITY She easily gets distracted, but has a clear head when facing a true problem. She is known to talk in spurts, sometimes making an apparently random change in topic. She doesn’t get irritated easily and had the ability to see a situation from all sides fairly. She likes to wear huge knit sweaters (in any color) over her lightly worn blue jeans. She loves the magical world that she was introduced to after attending Hogwarts and tries to be as magical as she could possibly be. That being said, she believes that a combination of Muggle and magical technology would greatly advance the world admires efforts to combine science and magic. She works in the Magical Catastrophes sector of the Ministry (NOT IN THE RP) and does field work. She can be incredibly determined, hardworking, and loves fixing things. HISTORY FAMILY OTHER Text Cut: ...and even more here!
Motto: Hmmm. Interesting. Can be fixable. Just a moment.
Favourite colour: Orangey-gold
Zodiac: Why would she know? She doesn’t care about astronomy.
Boggart: Gnomes. Lots and lots of gnomes.
Patronus: Butterfly
Amortentia: Wand oil, sweaters, soil, metal
Strongest subjects: Charms, Herbolgy
Weakest subjects: Divination, Astronomy, Arithmancy
Habits: Tearing holes or fiddling with loose sweater threads, sometimes fiddles with wand
Likes: Mixed up things, plants, sweaters, magical items
Dislikes: gnomes, Aritmancy, Muggle Studies
Allergies: peanuts
Post Font: Book Antiqua
Post Colour: 5b288A
Model: Mini Anden