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Old 10-03-2015, 12:51 PM
Grey Lady Grey Lady is offline
Default HoM Lesson 1: Giants

Before entering the classroom you'll see a big parchment sign next to the door in curvy noticeable letters that reads:

Task before entering the History of Magic Classroom:
Located next to the door is large rack of costumes, a variety of hats and masks as well as dress up make up and accessories like glasses and bags. Your task is to choose a costume and/or a mask from the rack and dress up as your favourite witch or wizard from magical history. (no creatures please, otherwise no limits.)

After you put on that costume, fixed that mask, adjusted your hat askew or added that last bit of eye-shadow so you look like the author Bathilda Bagshot or someone else famous from magical history then head into the classroom. Once fully inside you'll see rows up on rows of desks in pairs of three in a slightly misaligned order that leads up to the professor desk as well as the black board and on the wall to the left of the blackboard a large floor to ceiling book case. The air you feel is slightly on the crisp and icey side in the classroom even though warming spells are in place. A consequence of the winter weather and the fact that you are taught by a ghost.

Professor Helena is sitting on the edge of her desk, waiting for her students to arrive.

Class Progression:
Class has started + Questions
Responses + Give one giant fact each
Why did Dumbledore want the giants as allies for the second wizarding war?
Summing it up + Find a partner for practial activity
Activity has been posted!